Joseph Herrin (02-04-2013)

I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
[From American Pie, Written by Don McLean]
As mentioned in a previous post, Super Bowl XLVII was held on the anniversary of The Day the Music Died, an expression that denotes the date in 1959 when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P Richardson (The Big Bopper) died in a plane crash. Singer/Songwriter Don McLean memorialized the occasion when he wrote the song American Pie which became immensely popular, and has been much in focus in recent years. This song was sung by a crowd of 500,000 Americans in front of the Lincoln Memorial during Barack Obama’s first inauguration in Washington, D.C..
Numerous lyrics from this song have relevance to last night’s Super Bowl held in New Orleans, one of the most wicked cities in America. I will make reference to some of the song’s lyrics throughout this post.
In reviewing the parabolic meaning of the Super Bowl, keep in mind what has previously been shared. This Super Bowl was unique in that the opposing head coaches were brothers. Prior to Jim and John Harbaugh becoming head coaches of their respective teams, brothers have never coached NFL teams simultaneously, and have never faced off against one another in the Super Bowl. The theme of “brother against brother” evokes a correspondence to a looming civil war among Americans. (See the post titled Brother Against Brother.)

Brother Against Brother
(Notice the Nike – God of War – symbol on the left arm of the SF jersey)
It was anticipated that a theme of civil war would be observed during this contest. Not only was a great conflict of brother against brother carried out on the field, but the commercials also contained a recurring theme of civil strife arising.
One of the most pronounced examples of this was the Oreo cookie commercial that was set in a library. Libraries are known to be peaceful places. They are places where people are generally quiet, soft-spoken, and respectful toward others who come to read or study. It was striking that in the Oreo commercial the library patrons erupted into a greatly exaggerated conflict over something as trivial as whether the cookie or the creme filling was the better part of an Oreo. Note in the commercial that fire is also a part of the drama. Fire was a central theme of the Super Bowl.
Oreo Cookie Commercial
In the Oreo cookie commercial, civil strife erupts suddenly and with great violence in an unexpected place. A place that was formerly peaceful and tranquil became a place of chaos and bitter fighting. This is a foreshadowing of that which is coming to America.
Another commercial was titled Gaspocalypse. It was an advertisement for Hyundai’s fuel efficient Sonata Hybrid.
Again, a peaceful drive in the country turns suddenly menacing and violent. Note that the commercial ends with the driver of the Hyundai saying, “Aren’t you guys taking this week-end warrior thing a little too far?” The phrase “week-end warrior” is a term used to describe part time soldiers who are members of the National Guard. It is the National Guard that is typically called out in times of national emergency and times of civil unrest. The implication is that these “week-end warriors” will soon be viewed as acting in extreme ways by the average American.
I do not own a television, but the entire Super Bowl was broadcast over the Internet at the CBS Sports website. It was the first time such a major sporting event was broadcast in this manner. There were some differences between the Internet broadcast and the televised broadcast. One of the major differences was in the commercials. There were a limited number of commercials on the Internet. I began viewing about twenty minutes after the game began, and the first commercial I saw was for a video game called God of War Ascension. The commercial shown is titled “From Ashes.”

The game focuses on a man who became a deity. Having rebelled against the gods, he is chained, but later breaks free of his shackles and leads a revolt against the gods. This, of course, is a parable of Satan who rebelled against Yahweh, was judged, but has risen again “from the ashes.” This “ascension” of Satan is commonly depicted among Freemasons and other Illuminati groups as the Phoenix that is destroyed in fire but is reborn to ascend into the heavens again. The Phoenix was a symbol employed in last year’s Super Bowl half-time show, as well as during the closing ceremonies of the London Olympics. For those who have eyes to see, this theme was also present in yesterday’s Super Bowl broadcast.
God of War Ascension Commercial
It is apparent from these witnesses that a time of civil war, of brother against brother, is approaching for the nation. In the recent posts on the Christian’s attitude toward gun ownership, I set forth the mind of Christ on this subject, urging believers to not become embroiled in physical conflict. You can view these writings at the following links:
In this Super Bowl contest there was a parable given that reveals the error of Christians entering into a carnal struggle with flesh and blood. Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, is a professing Christian. He has interpreted a number of Scriptures about fighting with enemies in a literal sense. His body is heavily tattooed, and on each arm he has a Scripture written from the Psalms.
Psalm 27:3, on one arm, reads: “Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.” (NLT)
Psalm 18:39, on the other arm, says:, “You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet.” (NIV)

Colin Kaepernick
The apostle Paul wrote:
II Corinthians 10:3-4
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful…
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
A part of the parable of this game was to show what happens when a Christian engages in a conflict with flesh and blood. Yahweh has NOT promised His sons and daughters that they will prevail in a physical conflict. Christ told Peter to put away his sword, for those who take up the sword must perish by the sword.
Colin Kaepernick is a fleshly Christian. This is revealed by his attention to adorning his flesh with tattoos. It is also seen in that action which has become a type of trademark. He kisses his bicep whenever he makes a touchdown pass, or has some significant success on the field.

This is boasting in the arm of the flesh. Despite the Scriptures on his arms, the 49ers did not triumph over their adversaries, and the Ravens did not bow at their feet. The Christian is not promised physical victory over their adversaries. Quite the contrary.
Romans 8:36-38
“For Thy sake we are being put to death all day long; We were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death.”
There is a great warfare coming to the nations. Civil strife will be rampant. It is NOT the will of Yahweh that the disciples of Christ wage a carnal war against flesh and blood. Our victory is a spiritual one. Christ triumphed on the cross though it appeared outwardly that He was being overcome by evil men. When we can return blessings for curses, love for hate, and forgiveness for offenses, then we have demonstrated that we are sons of God walking in His divine power.
I would return to the beginning of the Super Bowl broadcast and share some signs in the order in which they occurred. The Super Bowl, as many sporting events in America, begins with the singing of the National Anthem. For this occasion, Alicia Keys was chosen. Just a few weeks prior to this, Alicia Keys was invited to perform at Barack Obama’s inauguration. She sang a very bizarre song whose lyrics have raised many an eyebrow.
“He’s president and he’s on fire, hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway. He’s living in a world and it’s on fire, filled with catastrophe, but he knows he can fly away. He’s got both feet on the ground and he’s burning it down, got his head in the clouds and he’s not backing down… Everybody knows that Michelle is his girl. Together they run the world. So we’re gonna let it burn baby… ”
The relevance of Alicia Keys being invited to both of these events and being offered a starring role is profound. A time of catastrophe when the world will erupt in flames of destruction and in the fire of civil strife is fast approaching.
The next musical performance during this broadcast was during the halftime show. Significantly, Beyonce’s program lasted for 13 minutes. This number is associated with Satan and the Illuminati. In the Scriptures the number 13 signifies “rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, revolution, or some kindred idea.” (See E.W. Bullinger’s book Number in Scripture.)
The halftime show began in darkness, punctuated with flames of fire rising into the night.

Destiny’s Child
The amount of fire throughout this 13 minute performance was extraordinary. There were even flames shooting forth from a guitar played by one of the musicians. This emphasis upon fire is found in the lyrics of the song American Pie.
So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick!
Jack flash sat on a candlestick
Cause fire is the devil’s only friend.
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.
No angel born in hell
Could break that Satan’s spell.
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died.
Remember, this is all occurring on the anniversary of The Day the Music Died. Beyonce’s performance ends with a sacrificial rite as she lies as if slain on the stage floor. The music has ended, which is a symbolism employed in the Scriptures to indicate judgment and destruction upon a land.
Isaiah 24:6-8
Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left. The new wine mourns, the vine decays, all the merry-hearted sigh. The gaiety of tambourines ceases, the noise of revelers stops, the gaiety of the harp ceases.
Revelation 18:21-22
And a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “Thus will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer. And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer...”
“Jack flash” is a term for the devil. In the lyrics of American Pie it states, “Jack flash sat on a candlestick.” A brother in Christ pointed out that the San Francisco 49ers play their home games in Candlestick Park. In a sense, the 49ers were “sat upon” as they were defeated by the Ravens.
The last song that Beyonce performed was from her album I Am… Sasha Fierce. In 2008 Beyonce announced that she had an alter ego named Sasha Fierce that took over when she was onstage. This persona enabled her to do things that she would not normally do. She became much bolder, much more sexually demonstrative, when under the influence of this “spirit.” Watching her face during the performance, it was apparent that a great transformation came over her at times. She was truly fierce looking. At times she looked as if she was in rage as she was no doubt under the influence of the evil spirit she has opened herself up to.
The song she sang from the Sasha Fierce album was Halo. Halo alludes to a fallen angel taking possession of her body. The lyrics include the following.
Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby they’re tumbling down
And they didn’t even put up a fight
They didn’t even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But, I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It’s like I’ve been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin’
It’s the risk that I’m taking
I ain’t never gonna shut you out!
Recently, Beyonce announced that she was dropping the Sasha Fierce persona for she had now merged the two sides of her being. This seems to be what was depicted on the stage of the Super Bowl as there were outlines of two faces pointed toward one another.

In a sense, this stage also symbolizes brother against brother, facing off. America is deeply divided, yet in truth the majority are identical to one another. They have fallen under the influence of Satan. The strong wage war against the weak, yet all are seeking selfish gain. As a result the entire nation will go up in flames. America is about to be plunged into darkness.
Not coincidentally, shortly after the halftime show concluded, the Super Dome was plunged into darkness as the power went out. The game was delayed for 35 minutes as engineers worked to get power restored and the lights back on.
Let us follow the sequence of events. The halftime show which begins and ends in darkness, but which is punctuated by fire, has just concluded. On the first play of the second half Jacoby Jones of the Ravens receives the kick-off deep in the Raven’s end zone. He runs it out and is untouched as he travels the entire field to score a touchdown. It is announced that his run was 109 yards, setting a new NFL and Super Bowl record. This claim is made repeatedly for about the next half hour until it is announced that the NFL ruled that it was actually only an 108 yard kick-off return.
I believe it is part of the parable that it was announced confidently and repeatedly that his return was 109 yards, and a new NFL record. When I heard this it occurred to me that there is only one chapter of all 66 books of the Bible that bears the number 109. I looked it up to see what was written there. Following is a portion of the 109th Psalm.
O God of my praise, do not be silent! For they have opened the wicked and deceitful mouth against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue. They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, and fought against me without cause. In return for my love they act as my accusers; But I am in prayer. Thus they have repaid me evil for good, and hatred for my love.
Appoint a wicked man over him; And let an accuser stand at his right hand. When he is judged, let him come forth guilty; And let his prayer become sin. Let his days be few; Let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children wander about and beg; And let them seek sustenance far from their ruined homes. Let the creditor seize all that he has; And let strangers plunder the product of his labor. Let there be none to extend lovingkindness to him, nor any to be gracious to his fatherless children. Let his posterity be cut off; In a following generation let their name be blotted out.
This Psalm of David is a cry for vengeance upon the ungodly. This is also a prophecy, for it foretells of Judas being cut-off for betraying Yahshua. Judas’office of an apostle was given to another.
The Secret Service codename for Barack Obama is “renegade.” One of the definitions of “renegade” is someone who betrays another, a traitor. There has been some consideration of whether the President will meet a similar fate. Since he took his oath of office with his hand upon the Bibles of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, both of whom were assassinated, and his first inaugural event was held in front of the Lincoln Memorial where He sang the lyrics of American Pie that include “This’ll be the day that I die,” there is some basis for pondering these things. Many have also noted Vice President Joe Biden’s recent gaffe where he introduced himself by saying “I am proud to be President.”
Could there be a fulfillment of another taking Obama’s office? As mentioned in previous posts, the Democratic National Convention that saw Obama nominated for a second term featured a large sand sculpture of the President. The sculpture was damaged by rain and had to be repaired, possibly symbolizing injury and recovery. For more on this topic see the post titled Brother Against Brother.
I had only enough time after the announcement of the 109 yard return to switch out to my Bible program, open to Psalm 109 and do a quick reading. When I returned to the CBS site I found that the stadium had been plunged into darkness. These things occurring on the heels of one another seemed strongly prophetic. Just a moment later a commercial for the new Blackberry Z10 phone came on. The tag line for the commercial was “Who knows what tomorrow will bring?”
It was 3rd and 13 for the 49ers when the power went out. There was 13:22 remaining on the clock in the third quarter. The preponderance of 13s was striking as this followed hard after the 13 minute Halftime show. CBS was running a live Twitter feed. One commentator tweeted the following:
I just walked out of the Superdome to assess the scene. The outside lights are completely out. Very, very eery.
In a recent post I mentioned a teaser commercial for Mercedes Benz. The only words spoken in the ad were:
Something powerful is coming.
See it February 3rd.
We did see something relating to “power” on this date. What could be more “powerful” than to cut the power to the stadium when the Super Bowl is being broadcast to an audience of more than 100 million worldwide? What could be more powerful than to plunge the world into darkness? The dark night is rising. Civil war and fiery destruction are being foretold. The black clad Ravens, those unclean carrion birds signifying spiritual forces of wickedness, defeated the Patriots on the date of Obama’s inauguration, and they have conquered the golden 49ers on The Day the Music Died.
Final Score Ravens 34, 49ers 31
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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063
Great post, I knew that major things were wrong with this super bowl, but couldn't put it together. Thank you.
The stage reminded me of the "which one do you see? The 2 faces or the 'candelstick'?" In this case, I see the face and horns of a goat and the reproductive system of a female. Very telling indeed!
And the 49ers score..
13 backwards…
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
Mark 13:37
Thank God you are obedient to heed the warnings that Messiah Jesus told us to do,especially in this late hour.
Major war drums are beating louder from North Korea to the Middle East that will change America forever.
In listening to the message of the shepherds and voices within the church I've noticed that the majority focus on the flesh (my rights,my gun,etc.)and they seem completely blind to the reality that it is God who has sent the destroyer to America.
God's people in Jeremiah's day had the same blindness problem and could not believe that God would judge his own house,his own people because they were not as bad as the Babylonians.
The same pride of so many American Christians blinds them to this imminent judgment and lead them to fight in their flesh,and that is God's judgment on the church that loves the world more than they love him.
We are told in Matthew 25 that all 10 virgins slumber and sleep.
The wise could see what was coming and sought the Lord for more oil to endure the coming darkness while the foolish virgins thought they would not be around and didn't need any extra oil.
The Lord showed me this with my clueless christian neighbor last week who does not bother to watch
and assumes that he can serve two masters and foolishly assumes he can be out of here before judgment begins at the house of God.
Regarding to Obama and the signaling w/ Lincoln & MLK Assassinations:
Obama has made 2 cryptic statements that may be relative.
1) President Obama said, “I’m going to be president for the next four years. I hope.” He was warning Republicans that, yes, they’d have to deal with him for a while. But it was, to be sure, a strange moment. Could he actually have been joking about assassination? About impeachment? The apocalypse?
2)In 2009 after his 1st 100 Days he said "I believe that my next 100 days will be so successful, that I will complete them in 72 days – and on the 73rd day I will rest."
If he was talking about his 'next term' 1st 100 days…..73 days and Obama at rest from his public inauguration on Jan 21 is April 4th!
MLK Jr. was the most famous Black American to be killed. He was assassinated on April 4th!!!
Ok, Joseph, you might find this interesting, just saw this article on Yahoo news–nfl.html
The Ravens traveling in military humvees during their celebrations, furthering the military presence you have been describing.
Thank you for this insight brother Joseph. I had heard that when they restarted the game it was 9:11 et. Also @13:22 is the skull and bones number that I believe is a twisted interpretation of 3:22. Also could we keep watch foe March 22nd. Only time will tell. Some of the manifestations that we look for though I believe are taking place in the spirit and only those with an intimate relationship with our beloved will understand what is happening.
"The dark night is rising. Civil war and fiery destruction are being foretold. The black clad Ravens, those unclean carrion birds signifying spiritual forces of wickedness, defeated the Patriots on the date of Obama’s inauguration, and they have conquered the golden 49ers on The Day the Music Died"
beautifully put, tho a grief
my father, older brother, and myself were bay area residents and big 49er fans beginning in the Fifties, when they always lost!
my brother was a child of his generation and didn't respect, love or fear God, so when he married i couldnt be part his new family, given his wife is proudly pagan and anti-Christ
he and i were v close earlier in life, but we moved apart as my interest grew in Father and Son
he died last spring (raven of death) and yesterday for the first time, i got a little emotional, so i'm not surprised today to encounter your essay
the "fiery destruction" in your paragraph reminded me that today, a neighbor informed me that last night the local furniture store, a v large store for his small town, burned — probably arson
it was holding a 50th Anniversary Sale
arson until recently was v rare around here, this is a rural area and little crime
now, it wouldnt seem to have significance, but for reasons i'll skip here, that store exactly represents Babylon's characteristic selfishness, deception, and greed, and many times over the years i've despised it, even as it has greatly prospered in its high-end sales to the affluent, while others suffered
God indeed LIVES and i fear him plenty, i think that will be a more common sentiment soon, thanks again for an excellent essay, cheers
Grid ex II coming this nov 13-14 google it…. The whole North American continent will be in the dark….when ever there is a drill they also run a live real drill….. Thrilling 4th quarter? Seem its going to be a real thriller. manaen mmatthews_84[at]