Thank You to Readers

by | Jun 27, 2014

I want to thank all those who wrote with suggestions or offers related to the book I was trying to locate that was mentioned in yesterday’s blog post. It is a blessing to observe so many individuals taking their time, and offering their resources, to assist me in this work.

Nobody responded who had a copy of the book, but about half a dozen individuals offered to purchase one of the copies available on Amazon. I do have a copy of the book in transit now. I believe it will be a valuable resource as it deals with aspects of the ancient subject of Biblical astronomy that are not specifically addressed in other books in my collection.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.,

Joseph Herrin

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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Mark T.

    Bro. Herrin, J. Preston Eby did a lengthy series of articles on the message in the stars. I have encountered some trepidation from other Christians when it comes to Eby but none of them can articulate the source of that trepidation. If you have any qualms about Eby's writings, could you please elaborate. I have found him to be one of the most insightful writers on subjects such as this.
    Can't wait to read what you have found…

  2. Joseph Herrin

    Hello Mark,
    I am familiar with J. Preston Eby's series on the stars and will be commenting on it, along with numerous other writings, as this series progresses.

    I suspect much of the "trepidation" some Christians feel toward Mr. Eby is due to the fact that he teaches doctrines that are contrary to what many have been taught in their churches. His views on the Law of Moses would certainly be rejected by those who are proclaiming that the body of Christ is to be "Torah Observant." Similarly, Mr. Eby has a series titled "The Savior of the World" that causes many people to reject his views. I found this particular writing to be very helpful in bringing me to see the truth of the reconciliation of all men through the cross of Christ. This is a subject I have also written on in the book "God's Plan of the Ages."

    Even when a man has much truth there is a need to test all things carefully. I have encountered error in Mr. Eby's writings. I addressed one point of error in the writing titled "The Origin of Sin and Satan." Mr. Eby joins a number of other writers in asserting that God created Satan as an evil being. This is readily refuted from the Scriptures.

    So I encourage you to not be afraid to read Mr. Eby's writings while at the same time encouraging you to test all things carefully. This is a habit all believers should practice, and I encourage it when people are reading my writings as well.

    May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,

    Joseph Herrin


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