Kristin, Natalia, Ela
Yesterday I had a project done at my place that I thought would not get done. I had purchased an electric trike and I needed a place to put it out of the weather. I had purchased a carport about 5 months ago and had not been able to put it together by myself, so it sat outside in the boxes it had arrived in for all that time. I have a couple of men around here that I have asked to do things in the past, but they have had changes in their lives and one of them has 3 small kids and I didn’t feel like bothering them. I remember looking at it about a week ago and thinking that I probably would not get it put together. That was until my daughter arrived and asked me what she could do for me. I told her she could help me put a flag on my trike, which I had gotten replaced because the rear axle broke on it, and she said, “Is that all.” I could not think of anything else I could ask her to do. She said, what about your carport? She said she had a couple of friends from Poland that were here for the wedding that she could ask to help her.

Natalia, Ela
I was very pleased that she suggested this and she called them and they immediately responded “Yes.” I sat down in a chair and watched them go to work. I have recently had eye surgery, a cataract repair, and with my balance being impacted from my stroke about 7 years ago I wasn’t able to help out. I was too wobbly.

Natalia, Ela, and Me Sitting
Kristin cannot be seen in these pictures because she was holding the camera. Anyways they went to work and after a few minutes figuring out how things went they got it done. I was especially pleased when they would talk to one another in Polish, and Kristin would state things also in Polish. I couldn’t believe how much Polish Kristin had learned to speak. I knew she had taken a test in Polish to see how much she had learned, but I was surprised that it was quite a bit.

Kristin’s friends from Poland also share some musical talent. Ela, pictured above, plays the piano and sings. Natalia organizes the musical events that Kristin goes to in Poland each year. She also writes music and sings. Unfortunately I did not get to hear them sing or play music yesterday. But, I can imagine that they are very talented at it, as they were equally talented at putting together my carport.

Ela, Natalia, and Me
I was very pleased to get the carport put together yesterday and I also had a friend named Ariane from Africa send me a song she had recently recorded. It is really lovely. I will include it at the bottom of this post.

Ela, Natalia, Kristin