Update and Meeting Itinerary

by | Jul 23, 2010

Joseph Herrin (07-23-2010)

Meeting with the Sheep of God’s Pasture in Newcastle, California
(Pictured: some of the sheep at the Phillip’s farm.)

The Father continues to lead Randy Simmons and I across this nation. We have traveled nearly 7,000 miles since departing from Macon, Georgia in May and have a long way to go before we are back home. We are presently about as far from Georgia as one could get and still be in the lower 48 states as we are camped near Spokane Washington.

Randy and I have seen some beautiful country as we have traveled. More importantly, we have met many precious sons and daughters of Christ. Our most recent meetings near Sacramento, California were a wonderful experience as we met in the home of Rich, Kelly and Brittni Phillips. Randy and I parked our vans on their farm right between the sheep on one side, and the goats on the other. The Father worked numerous parables relating to ruminant animals into the talks, and I found the information provided by Kelly about the farm animals to be very enlightening.

Following is the schedule for upcoming meetings:

Spokane, Washington

Dates: July 30 – August 1

Grange Building
11000 North Forker Road
Spokane, Washington

Schedule of Meetings:
Friday Evening 6:30 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.
Saturday Morning 9:00 A.M. – Noon
Break for fellowship and a potluck meal (Please bring a dish – There is a kitchen in the building.)
Saturday Afternoon 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning 9:00 A.M. until Noon


Kooskia, Idaho

Dates: August 6-8

Home of Dan and Nancy Fowler
188 Flying Eagle Road
Kooskia, ID 83539

Schedule of Meetings:
Friday Evening 6:30 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.
Saturday Morning 9:00 A.M. – Noon
Break for fellowship and a meal
Saturday Afternoon 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning 9:00 A.M. until Noon


Kadoka, South Dakota

Dates: August 13-15

Home of Kenton and Angela McKeehan

Schedule of Meetings:
Friday Evening 6:30 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.
Saturday Morning 9:00 A.M. – Noon
Break for fellowship and a meal
(Note: The hosts will provide main dish. Please bring side dishes for the meal when you come.)
Saturday Afternoon 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning 9:00 A.M. until Noon


After the meetings in South Dakota, we will be heading to Illinois and Indiana for more meetings. These will be announced as the time draws closer.

Some may wonder what the meetings are like. The atmosphere is very relaxed, as the majority of meetings are in the homes of the saints. There is no hurry to rush off after meetings, for those who want to stay longer and fellowship.

During the meetings I use my laptop and a projector as I talk. I display numerous scriptures, as well as graphics, that go along with the talks, and this helps to guide the messages in a very orderly sequence that aids understanding and comprehension. Many listening to the meetings and receiving teachings that are new to them. Over the years the Father has trained me to be a skillful teacher, even leading me to take a job as a college instructor for a couple years, and I recognize the value of visual aids and a logical presentation.

Aside from this, all would be vain if the Spirit of Christ were not present to guide my words, and to open the eyes and ears of those in attendance. Before every meeting I pray that the Spirit of God might have free rule and reign in the meetings to accomplish all that is upon the Father’s heart. I always want to be sensitive to any direction He would lead in, and it is not uncommon for me to be given new revelation at the very moment in which I am speaking, and to be directed to share it with those gathered.

If you have listened to any of the audios posted thus far from the meetings, you will realize that they are very practical and personally challenging. The Father is seeking to raise up sons (male and female) to maturity in this hour. The process is one that requires complete devotion, great determination and endurance.

The messages being proclaimed focus upon the hour we live in explained by examining signs and parables in the heavens and on the earth; the very specific work Yahweh is performing among a remnant of His people; the goal set before all sons of God which is to attain to the first resurrection and be numbered among the firstborn of Christ’s seed. The instrument of perfecting sons, being the disciple’s cross, is evident in all teachings.

People of God, these are messages that lie heavily upon the Father’s heart at this hour. There are few shepherds among the body who are proclaiming these things. There are only a remnant who are willing to receive the words of the Father. If you are able to attend any meetings, I strongly urge you to make every effort to do so.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws

Parables Blog:

Mailing Address:

Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

1 Comment

  1. Peace and understanding be to all saints of our Lord Jesus Christ in these last days. Brother Joseph, let me start by telling you that I love you very much; you have truly been an inspiration and tremendous blessing in my life. I met you not too long ago at the the Church of Houston as you were also being led back then to travel the country and to warn the true believers of the time we are now living in. Since then we have spoken over the phone several times and by e-mail concerning the end-times and a few other subjects. As I spent time with our Father this morning I was led to a scripture which I'd love to share with you and with the other saints of Christ. The Lord Jesus has actually led me to several prophetic scriptures in the past few days relating to His coming judgments on this land. One of the scriptures I received yesterday morning was from Zephaniah Chapter 3:"judgment will come to jerUSAlem"; also Zephaniah chapters 1 and 2. Please read these whole chapters. The scripture I received this morning was from Jeremiah 2:1-4:31 speaking of "Israel(USA)turning away from God"; "Israel(USA)is like a faithless wife"; and "Destruction rolls over the land(USA)."

    Back on June 3, 2008, which is the year in which we entered into the 7Year Tribulation, I was blessed with a miraculous, supernatural sign from the Lord. The Lord woke me up at sunrise on this morning and immediately led me to begin worshipping Him. As I listened to some worship music I was once again moved by His Love and humbled myself facedown on the floor, in His presence. What occurred next was a true miracle of Jehovah God! Using the sunlight coming in through the window, the Lord drew a map of America on my ceiling. In the map the Lord highlighted the state where he would be sending me and other saints very soon as His coming judgment of this land continues. The Lord has already designated several places around this country as places of safe refuge as we approach the end of this age. Just as the Lord led Abraham and Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah before His judgments came to those evil/wicked cities, He will once again destroy many evil/wicked cities of this present world (Ecclesiastes 3:15-17). Please pray and fast and be totally led by the Spirit of Jehovah because there are many supernatural disasters coming very soon to this land and to several other nations as well. May the Lord bless you all in these last days, Alvaro(Al) Zertuche.


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