Brothers & Sisters in the Lord,
I, Kristin, am writing once more today to give you a brief update on my dad, and also to say a deep, heartfelt thanks for all of the many kind words of encouragement we have received since my last post. We have been showered with words of blessing, many prayers, and even very generous gifts from some of you, and I want each of you to know how deeply appreciated all of you are. I wish I would have more time to reply to each note individually, but with my busy schedule it has just been too difficult for me to reply as I would like. Please know I have read your letters, and they have been a blessing. My dad has read many of them as well, and I know they mean a lot to him.
Many of you have asked for an update, and I’m sorry I haven’t given one sooner. It has now been a little over 2 weeks since my dad had the stroke, and he seems to be very stable, though recovery in some ways is a slow process right now. We are grateful for the progress that has been made. This past week my dad has focused a lot more on doing different exercises with his right arm and leg, and has been making progress. He is able to get around considerably well with a walker or cane, and seems to be gradually gaining more stamina. He is still working on getting full use of his right hand, and while he can pick some things up and use it minimally, it is still too difficult for him to use it for many normal tasks, such as typing/writing.
The area we would desire the greatest amount of prayer for right now is the full recovery of his ability to communicate/process thought clearly. All of you know my dad as a writer, and he has always had a gift with words. Right now, however, it is still a struggle for him to remember many words and to communicate clearly. He can talk and communicate on a surface level, but to have a deep conversation or to go very far with a train of thought is difficult. I know this is completely in the Lord’s hands, and He will be faithful to bring recovery in His time and in His will. Please pray for my dad as I am sure it is difficult for him at times when he desires to express things and can’t find the words.
Through all of this God has continued to show us tremendous grace, and we have felt His peace in abundance. My dad has had a very positive countenance, and I have not seen him express any complaint or discouragement. He is often humming familiar tunes and seems very peaceful. God is showing Himself strong in this trial- He is faithful.
The following passage of Scripture has been a great blessing to me recently. It speaks of the trials we face in this life, but the overwhelming testimony of victory that is our through Christ Jesus- May it minister to your hearts as well:
2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this precious treasure [the good news about salvation] in [unworthy] earthen vessels [of human frailty], so that the grandeur and surpassing greatness of the power will be [shown to be] from God [His sufficiency] and not from ourselves. 8 We are pressured in every way [hedged in], but not crushed; perplexed [unsure of finding a way out], but not driven to despair; 9 hunted down and persecuted, but not deserted [to stand alone]; struck down, but never destroyed; 10 always carrying around in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be shown in our body. 11 For we who live are constantly [experiencing the threat of] being handed over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be evidenced in our mortal body [which is subject to death].
We have a beautiful, living hope, and our hearts are continually renewed and strengthened in our Lord.
Once more, thank you for all of your support. Please continue in prayer, as I know you will. May you be encouraged and continue to fight the good fight of faith.
In Him,
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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063
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How is your dad doing?
Hi Kristin, I'm glad to hear your dad is better, but mostly, that he is in good spirits and not downcast.
Of course aiding him during this period won't always be easy, and you won't be perfect; nevertheless the Lord is pleased at your loyal and cheerful service. Do your best. It will be good enough.
The King wasn't going to cut me any rest until I sent this note. So not really my choice, as I've declined correspondence with Joseph previously, with reason. But time is very short now, for me and the nation, and my communications henceforth will be even more rare.
As you know, the Lord in his generosity and wisdom provided Joseph with some spiritual understanding, which Joseph aided along with diligent Scriptural study, and a willing heart. For example, there are only a few persons on the planet who could, or do, understand what really happened at Temple Emmanuel. That takes hard work, but also spiritual graces or gifts. It's common for us to confuse those gifts with the pride of our own heart, of our 'merit'. But only the LORD could prepare our hearts and eyes to grasp and collate such things. Though your father is quite stalwart and resistant, even when investigating dark matters, and deserves praise. Too much praise, and too many e-mail fans and well-wishers, are not healthy for him however.
I stopped commenting on Joseph's blog because the essays turned rather vain, Joseph going on and on about new techno-toys and bus improvements. That's hard for me to keep hearing when every town I pass through, my brothers are living (and dying) in the streets. The Lord prepared the Big Blue Bus for his own purposes, not as a Shrine to Joe. Likewise, although I much appreciate the prison ministry, many of the letters from the (understandably appreciative) inmates sounded more like 'Rhapsodies to Joseph' rather than mutual strivings towards our Lord.
I expected that to conclude my association with Joseph, but a very unusual thing happened, the Lord addressed me directly. He 'said' — 'I love my servant Joseph'. He wasn't angry. A little peeved though, probably about me chunking Joseph into the dumpster. :O)
That was it, and of course that was that. I think he contacted me directly because he knew I would not have accepted Joseph, except at his own word. And he knew that once I heard his word, that issue was closed.
So that is a very great joy to Joseph, and a comfort to him, that the Lord himself would defend Joseph before me. lol
But also I believe Joe's current condition, and specific incapacity to write, is connected to the situation I've attempted to summarize above. Joseph has done so many wonderful works for Father and King Jeshua, but I think things were getting a little out of hand, so to speak. The Lord intervened, not in rebuke, but I think by causing Josheph to slow down, and consider the source and aim of his good works.
All of us who've been gifted with a bit of Scriptural or 'heavenly' understanding are prone to the same urgings of self-importance, etc. There are NO exceptions, certainly including me. So Joseph's circumstance is not unusual in that sense. Therefore let him give thought to these things, and promptly, and may this note, dear Kristin, raise both your spirits in the sure inheritance of Christ's Kingdom, through our effort and obedience. Michael