The Way

by | May 2, 2009

Notice of Upcoming Meeting:

My next scheduled meeting is to be in Hemphill, Texas which is on the border of Louisiana. Following are the meeting details.

Wendy Davis’ Apartment
210 Adickes Aly
Apt. #32
Hemphill, TX 75948

Date and Times:
Saturday May 9th
First session: 3 P.M.
Spaghetti Dinner: 6 P.M.
Second Session: 7 P.M. (until the Spirit is through)

For additional information you can contact Wendy Davis at:
(409) 594-8892

Please call if you plan to attend so Wendy will know how many to prepare for.

Meetings Update:

The presence and anointing of the Father has been much in evidence in recent meetings. After speaking at three meetings in Arizona on three consecutive days, the Spirit of Christ has brought me to the Central Texas hill country where I am now camping at a state park.

This entire trip has been attended with an unusual manifestation of the presence of the Father. I have witnessed Yahweh’s presence both in my travels and at all of the meetings along the way. I have observed how able the Father is to make His will and pleasure known to us on a moment by moment basis. If we desire to obey Him, and are willing to go where He would lead, He will not hide His thoughts from us.

After a very busy time of meetings and fellowship in Arizona I had a desire to spend some time alone camping to enable me to catch up on my e-mail and to write some things to the saints that the Spirit has been laying upon my heart. I spoke to the Father and told Him that if He was willing I would like to find a campground with some nice scenery, some hiking trails for exercise, and the quiet solitude I yearned for. Randy Furman suggested I might find what I was looking for in the hill country of Central Texas, and the Lord led me to the precise place He had chosen for me.

I found a state park in a Texas travel guide, and it seemed right. I had a peace about calling them, and when I made a reservation for a week the woman on the phone told me the cost would be $144.00. I knew this was a confirmation from the Father, for the number 144 is related to the overcomers in Christ, which has certainly been a theme of this trip. It is also a number related to Revelation 14:4 which says of the overcomers “these are they who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.” The Spirit bore witness that it was this precise place He was directing me to.

Being led of the Spirit in all things is the will of the Father for all of His sons and daughters.

Romans 8:14
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

It is possible to dwell in peace even in the midst of the storms of life if we are assured that we are in the center of the Father’s will. Yahweh will not remove the storms from our lives. The Spirit is expressly testifying that exceedingly troublesome days are just ahead. Yet there is a place of peace we can enter into. This is the secret place of the Most High, and it is a place of peace and shelter from the storms and terrors of life.

Many years ago I began praying that Yahweh would allow me to experience the peace manifested by Christ when He was asleep in the boat as His disciples were filled with fear at the raging storm that was about to sink their boat. Yahweh spoke to me and said, “I can give you this peace, but I will have to take you through some storms in order for you to receive it.”

As we experience storms we learn where the place of peace is. It is found in setting our focus steadily upon Him, trusting in His care. As we focus upon His presence with us, and His watchfulness over us, we find that the wind and the waves which have been causing a disturbance in our soul are stilled.

I have found that if there is any disobedience in my life, anything that defiles my conscience, that peace is hard to find and the place of rest is unattainable. For this reason it is necessary to always maintain a clear conscience before God and man. In doing so we are able to readily enter into the secret place of the Most High.

This place is accessible by all of Yahweh’s sons and daughters who will give themselves to a single minded pursuit of Him. It matters not who you are, or what your background is. This truth has been evident in my travels as the Spirit of Christ has directed me to a diverse assortment of saints.

I have been reminded of the Scripture testimony of those that Yahweh led through a wilderness experience many years ago when He called His people out of Egypt. There was a “mixed multitude” that went up from Egypt.

Exodus 12:37-38
Now the sons of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, aside from children. And a mixed multitude also went up with them…

Yahweh is no respecter of persons. He has sent me to speak to those who are symbolized by the 153 fish that the disciples pulled up in their nets on the right side of the boat. This catch of fish is significant of the righteous, and it is the Father’s will that of those appointed to salvation that none should be lost.

I have observed in the meetings He has arranged that there are both poor and wealthy, young and old, the well educated and not so well educated, Jews and Gentiles, soft city dwellers and hardened wilderness pioneers. The message the Spirit is speaking to all is the same. Days of great trouble are ahead. The people of God must have their minds girded up to endure hardship. The cross of Christ must be borne, and all the passions and desires of the flesh must be ruled over through the power of the indwelling Spirit of Christ.

That the Spirit has been speaking many deep things to those in attendance at the meetings has been evident. All will soon be brought to a place where they must choose to cast all over into the hands of the Father, or they will choose to align themselves with the Beast system of this world. Fears must be overruled and faith in God embraced. The saints must have the confidence to entrust their very lives into the care of Yahweh. The time to halt between two opinions is at an end.

The Way

The phrase “The Way” is used to describe the life and beliefs of those who follow after Jesus Christ, Yahshua the Messiah.

Acts 9:1-2
Now Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest, and asked for letters from him to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, both men and women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

Acts 19:9-10
But when some were becoming hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, he withdrew from them and took away the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus.

Acts 24:14
“But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the God of our fathers…”

Christ identified Himself with this same phrase.

John 14:6
Yahshua said to him, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

The path which Christ walked is the same path that all of His disciples must walk. There is only one Way, and the Way is narrow. The world and a worldly church seek a broad and easy way. The way of Christ is an afflicted way. (See the chapter in my most recent book titled The Afflicted Way.)

Today I received some correspondence from a younger brother in Christ who is receiving much criticism and judgment for having chosen to follow Christ in the Way. The Way of the cross is to the Gentiles foolishness, and to the Jews it is an offense, and many who confess Christ still retain their Jewish and Gentile mindset.

I know from experience that when we begin to experience the condemnation and judgments of others that our flesh wants to present a defense. We want to be justified in the eyes of others, and this young man found that this was also the tendency of his flesh. The Father showed him some very revelatory things through a couple of dreams. I have judged the dreams and the insights he received into them to be of great value to other believers who must experience similar things in these days and days to come. I am therefore sharing them here.

Following are the dreams as they were related to me by Ifeanyi Isitor.


I dreamt that I was attending what seemed like high school in Trinidad where I grew up and my Mom decided to visit my teachers at school to discuss how I was progressing. She showed up in my class unexpectedly and when she showed up, some friends and I were playing a game in the class that involved us throwing our shoes at each other. The game was an innocent game and the teacher didn’t mind it, however, when my mom came and saw this she thought that I was up to no good and so she started to reprimand me in front of the teacher and the class and it brought much embarrassment to me. Also, outside of class, she was discussing the situation with others so much so that it was as if everyone knew and was looking at me like I was delinquent. One day, I saw some friends that I had not seen for a while who were with their mom and when they saw me, they began to tell me what my mom had been saying and that their mom was really looking at me as a delinquent. Their mom was also around when they were telling me this. While they were telling me this, I immediately started to seriously justify myself, however, the manner I was doing it must not have been nice for my friend called me aside and told me that the way I was acting would make his mom believe what my mom was saying. It was really hard to hear this, but I took it to heart and then I went back and very softly and humbly explained the situation explaining that though my mom meant well, she misunderstood the situation. The dream then ended.


Later in the night, I received some understanding of the dream. My mother represents the church as she is the mother of all believers. She however represents the church system of the present day. The High School represents the training that myself and the remnant are receiving to be able to enter that high calling of God. I represent the remnant. The shoes that my friends and I were throwing, represent our walk as remnant believers. The church (my Mom) is seeing this walk (seeing us throwing shoes) and thinking that we are going astray and sinning (being delinquent), and though she means well she starts to openly reprimand us though we are innocent to the point that our reputation is tarnished everywhere. This will bring about much hurt and embarrassment as we see that we are being looked upon as evil doers. This is however part of our training for our high calling (symbolized by me attending high school). The purpose of this training is to bring to the surface, attitudes that cannot be part of the mature body of Christ that will enter this high calling (signified by my heavy self justification in an unloving manner). Its purpose is to humble us. The end result will be a change in attitude, behavior and humility (signified by the soft and humble way that I explained the situation in the end of the dream).


I dreamt that Lissy (Ifeanyi’s wife) and I went to visit a woman we knew. For some reason, I needed to take a bath and so the woman brought out a small bucket of water and placed it in the middle of the sitting room and told me to bathe right there. So I took my clothes off and was bathing in her presence completely naked and felt very embarrassed as she could see me. While I was bathing, the woman kept telling me to make sure we don’t dirty any other floor of her house and that I should bathe only in that spot and clean up after myself. After I finished bathing, Lissy and I were talking to each other about how the woman was treating us and so we purposed to quickly leave her house never to return.


The woman again represents the old church system. Lissy and I represent the remnant. The fact that I was taking a bath represents the purification that must take place amongst the remnant. Me bathing in the middle of the living room of the house of the woman represents the remnant being cleansed in the presence of the church. The woman being able to see me bathe and me feeling embarrassed and exposed, represents the unclean attitudes and characteristics of the remnant being exposed and brought to the surface to be washed away. Me being given a bucket and told to bathe in the middle of the room and not being allowed to bathe in the privacy and comfort of a bathroom, represents the manner in which the remnant church will be cleansed. It will not be in privacy and comfort. It will instead be in uncomfortable and exposed situations where even the church will be able to witness this cleansing, though they may not recognize it as a cleansing. The small bucket of water also represents a life of rationing that is coming. Things that we formally had in abundance will be stripped away. The floor of the woman’s house represents the walk of all Christians in the church. The woman constantly telling us to not dirty her floor represents the way that the church will look upon the remnant as they are being cleansed. The church will see them as walking (the floor) in sin (dirty) and will not want them to transmit their sin to others in the church (dirty the floor of the rest of the house). The remnant will be looked upon as stricken by God. Lissy and I purposing to leave her house never to return, after I finished bathing, represents the remnant leaving the old church system behind never to return to it, however, the old church system through its persecution will also be instrumental in the cleansing of the remnant.
[End of Dreams]

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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