Stick With What You Know

Stick to What You Know Joseph Herrin (07-08-08) I Timothy 1:6-7 For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers..., even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions....

Praying with Heart Idols

The Following post was written by David Weber. I received it today, and it speaks so clearly of a matter of great importance that I was inclined to share it here. May you be challenged to renewed vigilance in this matter as you consider these things. Joseph Herrin Praying with Heart Idols "...I...

Those Troublesome Scriptures

Those Troublesome Scriptures Joseph Herrin (07-02-08) Several have written already in response to yesterday’s post titled Laying Down the Law. They have written with much affirmation, and have shared the various ways in which Yahweh has revealed to them the truth of the Believer’s call to be led...

Laying Down the Law

Laying Down the Law Joseph Herrin (07-01-08) This post is extracted from a recent correspondence with a brother in Christ. It bears much relevance to the lives of all the saints. If any have questioned whether they are to be subject to the laws of the Old Testament today, this writing is offered...

Everyone Who Has This Hope

This post concludes the chapters of the book Christ in You - The Hope of Glory. The entire book can be read online at the Heart4God website. (See link at bottom of Blog.)Everyone Who Has This Hope I John 3:1 Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called sons of...

The Father’s Work

This post continues the chapters of the book Christ in You - The Hope of Glory.The Father’s Work Yahweh has designed this present world in such a way that His sons might know His ways, and walk in an understanding manner before Him. One thing that has been common to all men is having a vocation or...

Death of Initiative

This post continues the chapters of the new book Christ in You - The Hope of Glory.Death of Initiative The first chapter of this book declared the value of taking a wider view of the work of God, for as we observe the end Yahweh has in mind for His sons we can better comprehend those things which...

Understanding Faith and Healing

Understanding Faith and Healing Joseph Herrin (Updated 06-21-2008) News headlines from an Associated Press article dated June 19, 2008 proclaim: Teen's Death Blamed on Faith Healing The article begins: GLADSTONE, Oregon (AP) -- Authorities say a teenager from a faith-healing family died from an...

Heart of a Son

Heart of a Son Malachi 4:5-6 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahweh. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and the hearts of the sons to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse. The two verses...

The Afflicted Way

This post continues the chapters of the book Christ in You - The Hope of Glory.The Afflicted Way I have but poorly described what awaits the glorified sons of God who attain to the number of the firstborn, and have dimly portrayed the distinctions between the three resurrections of man. I am...

Each in His Own Order

Each in His Own Order Because there is almost no knowledge among Christians today concerning the various resurrections from the dead, and the distinctions among them, it seems prudent to lay a solid foundation regarding this topic. The Scriptures actually have much to say about the resurrections...

The Number of the Firstborn

This post continues the chapters of the book Christ in You - The Hope of Glory.The Number of the Firstborn There is a wonderful theme found throughout the entirety of the Bible relating to those who are the firstborn. The firstborn male that opens the womb was always reserved, set apart, as holy...

The Powers of the Age to Come

This post continues the chapters of the book The Hope of Glory.The Powers of the Age to Come Hebrews 6:5 And have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come... Yahweh is at this time preparing His sons to walk in the powers of the coming age. What is experienced in this age is...

The Hope of Glory

With this post I am beginning to send out the chapters of a new book titled Christ in You - The Hope of Glory. I encourage you to read what is written. It will certainly contain teaching that is new to many Christians, and I suspect not a few will be challenged by its message. The Hope of Glory...

How Can These Things Be?

How Can These Things Be? Joseph Herrin (05-31-08) Various people have confessed trouble in discerning the error of Todd Bentley and the “revival” spreading rapidly as he imparts various “spiritual anointings” to people. Much of the trouble comes from the fact that Todd, and those embracing and...

A Memorable Day

A Memorable Day Joseph Herrin (05-31-08) It was brought to my attention that today is the last day of the 22nd week of the year. This seems appropriate considering the events that were ordained by the Lord. As you know, the number 22 signifies a constantly recurring theme that the Lord has brought...

Plagues, Frogs and Carnivals

Plagues, Frogs and CarnivalsJoseph Herrin (05-26-08)Dear Saints in Christ,Surely the Lord has ordered my steps in bringing this issue of what is being touted as “revival” in Lakeland, Florida and at Morningstar Ministries to my mind. Person after person has written to me concerning this, until I...

Another Gospel

Another Gospel (Revised)Joseph Herrin (5-25-08)Six years ago I write an article that bore the same name as this one. I believe it is time to bring it out and dust it off, updating it to reveal a message of truth that is lacking among those flocking to what is being called “revival” in Lakeland,...

Getting Through Gethsemane

Getting Through GethsemaneJoseph Herrin (05-24-08)Philippians 1:29For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake...The Apostle PaulThe foundation of all mental illness is the avoidance of legitimate suffering.Carl JungI have observed...

The Coming Bust – Are You Ready?

The Coming Bust - Are You Ready?Joseph Herrin (05-20-08)The Spirit of Christ has many ways to impart understanding, and He has been imparting much of late. Without a doubt, this is in order to prepare the saints for those things which are to come.Two days ago the Lord ordered my steps in such a...

Many Witnesses

Many WitnessesFollowing is a list of prophetic words. The first was written by me as I viewed the significance of two different carnival tragedies that relate to the current ‘revival’ in Lakeland, Florida, at Morningstar Ministries, and the other places to which it has spread. The others were sent...

Popes, Presidents and Judgment

Alas, Babylon!Joseph Herrin (05-12-08)There has been so much happening in my life of late that has prophetic significance, that I can barely keep up with it. I urge you to read what is shared here, for the Spirit is testifying profound things through current events.The Car WreckSaturday afternoon...


ExodusJoseph Herrin (05-16-08)The Spirit of Christ revealed to me some further insight into the events of forthcoming days through a very detailed personal experience. He brought illumination to the way in which the following Scripture will be fulfilled.Revelation 18:4And I heard another voice...

Discerning Spirits

After I had posted the writing True and False Revival, a sister in Christ sent me the following prophetic word. She sent this BEFORE reading the writing I had sent out on the same topic. The Spirit of Christ is declaring to His saints, "Be discerning. Not every spirit that is in the world, and a...

True and False Revival

True and False RevivalJoseph Herrin (5-10-08)In recent days I have had several people write to me and ask for my thoughts concerning that which is being billed as “revival” in Lakeland, Florida. What began there is now branching out worldwide. A couple of students from Morningstar brought this...

A Time of Preparation

A Time of PreparationJoseph Herrin (5-8-08)Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,The Holy Spirit has been indicating for some time that a season of preparation would precede His full release into ministry. I have understood these words to have personal application to my own life, but I believe they...

News Headlines Indicate Judgment

News Headlines Indicate JudgmentJoseph Herrin (05-07-08)I continue to hear from various people concerning events in the news. Of particular interest are those things considered “acts of God,” such as weather related disasters. A couple of news items have stood out as particularly significant...

A Wilderness Testimony

Occasionally I share teachings or testimonies of others that I have found to be personally edifying. Following is such a word. It is part one of a four part series. The other portions can be accessed at the author's website. A link is provided at the end.May you be blessed with peace and...


PRIMOGENITURE Joseph Herrin (5-5-08)Primogeniture: noun 1. The state of being the firstborn child. 2. A rule of inheritance by the firstborn child.Origin: Latin primogenitura, from primo ‘first’ - genitura ‘birth, begetting’.I am delighted as I observe how the Spirit orders my steps daily to bring...

A Final Mowing and the Wisdom of Yahweh

A Final Mowing and the Wisdom of YahwehJoseph Herrin (4-30-08)On April 27th Randy Simmons and I returned to Macon, Georgia after nearly a month of camping. It has truly been a rich season of hearing from the Spirit of Christ concerning the character of the coming ministry which will prepare a...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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