Personal Update

Personal Update

Joseph Herrin (01-30-2012) Randy Furman(left) and Myself Many people have been writing to ask how my recovery is going. As most of you know, I was involved in a motorcycle accident September 6th in which my left foot was dislocated, my fibula (smaller leg bone) was severely fractured, and the...

Drowning in Deception

Drowning in Deception

Joseph Herrin (01-26-2011) 13th Century Painting of Revelation 12:15 Revelation 12:15 And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood. The book of Revelation conveys truth through symbolism. The serpent is...

When Giants Fall

When Giants Fall

Joseph Herrin (01-25-2012) Fallen Giant Sequoia The preceding post on this blog titled The Mighty are Falling spoke of the judgment of God upon those considered giants in the earth. We live in an hour when many who are lofty will be abased. In this post, I want to focus specifically on nations of...

The Mighty are Falling

The Mighty are Falling

Joseph Herrin (1-22-2012) Lamentations 5:16 The crown has fallen from our head; Woe to us, for we have sinned! The news of this day is reporting that Joe Paterno, longtime head football coach for Penn State University, has died. He was 85 years old.   Joseph Vincent Paterno My attention was...

Affirmations to Costa Concordia Parable

Affirmations to Costa Concordia Parable

Joseph Herrin (01-18-2012) Europe and America Sinking Together The image above was taken from an article posted on Financial Times on July 4th of 2011. The article was titled America and Europe Sinking Together. Following is an excerpt: In Washington they are arguing about a debt ceiling; in...

The Costa Concordia Disaster, and Other News

The Costa Concordia Disaster, and Other News

Joseph Herrin (1-17-2012) Consta Concordia (lifeboats in foreground) I have been following the story of the wreck of the cruise ship Costa Concordia for a few days. I am convinced that there is a parable contained in this catastrophe. The details surrounding this ship and its sinking are pregnant...

The Worth of a Woman

The Worth of a Woman

The Worth of a WomanA considerable part of the backlash against the teaching of Yahweh’s role and purpose for women is that many people equate status in this world with a person’s value, or worth. Many women fear that, if they subject themselves to men, they will be viewed and treated as having a...

Dissolving the Marriage Partnership

Dissolving the Marriage Partnership

Dissolving the Marriage Partnership There is great power in words. George Orwell, in his classic book 1984, gives a chilling depiction of a government manipulating minds by exerting control over words spoken and written. Words give rise to ideas in the minds of men. By advocating that certain...

Casting Down Jezebel

Casting Down Jezebel

   Casting Down Jezebel Yahweh has given to the body of Christ a pattern to follow when Jezebel seeks to assert herself and to rule in the midst of His people. The solution is to cast her down.                    ...

A Moral Victory

A Moral Victory

Joseph Herrin (1-9-2012) Tim Tebow - Quarterback for Denver Broncos Not having a television, I don’t watch too many sporting events, but athletic competition does interest me. There are numerous references to athletes and various sporting competitions in the Bible. God has used the image of a...

Jezebel and Masculinity

Jezebel and Masculinity

Jezebel and Masculinity The most commonly recognized attribute of Jezebel today is her spirit of usurpation. To usurp means “to take a position of power or authority illegally or by force.” In the Old Testament we read of Jezebel taking the authority of her husband, the king of Israel, to herself,...

Jezebel and Sensuality

Jezebel and Sensuality

Jezebel and Sensuality     It is fitting that a teaching on godly womanhood provide some instruction on the topic of a woman’s dress and external appearance. The Bible has a significant amount to say on the subject. Some years ago I was led to meditate upon the following questions:...

Jezebel and Idolatry

Jezebel and Idolatry

Jezebel and Idolatry Writing about Jezebel may seem an odd way to begin a book on godly womanhood. In Jezebel is seen the antithesis of everything that Yahweh finds praiseworthy in a woman. Yahweh has chosen to teach us much through contrasts. He sets before His daughters the lives of the godly,...

No Apologies – Introduction

No Apologies – Introduction

IntroductionYou may wonder why I chose No Apologies as the title of this book. During my entire adult life I have been made to feel as if I must apologize for teaching a Biblical view of womanhood. What God has to say to women is highly unpopular today. Yahweh’s instructions to wives, and all...

A Testimony for the New Year

I have recently been blessed to receive correspondence from a brother in Christ by the name of Jeff Higdon. Yahweh has led Jeff down an afflicted path for many years, while giving Jeff and his family much grace to endure. As I have read Jeff’s testimony I have found parts of it torturous, making...

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About This Site

This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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