How Deep Does the Rabbit Hole Go?

How Deep Does the Rabbit Hole Go?

Alice Peering Down the Rabbit Hole When an individual realizes that NASA faked the Apollo Moon landings, a common question which arises in their mind is “What else has NASA lied about?” Is the International Space Station real, or are we being duped with images of astronauts floating in space while...

The Spirit of Anti-Christ Revealed in NASA

The Spirit of Anti-Christ Revealed in NASA

When juxtaposing the words uttered by the leader of the fallen angels alongside the logo belonging to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a suggested relationship springs to mind. NASA is an agency whose overarching goal is to enable men to ascend to heaven, to rise above the...

More Moon Madness

More Moon Madness

Lunar Lander Model in a Mississippi Park This will be the last chapter of this book to address technological problems of the NASA Apollo Space Program narrative. There are a great many technology issues which could be addressed, but it has never been a goal of this book to serve as an exhaustive...

Anomalous Behavior of the Apollo Space Program

Anomalous Behavior of the Apollo Space Program

One way to detect a deception or lie is to observe the behavior of the people who are knowledgeable participants in it. Liars frequently behave in ways which are contradictory to the actions of those who are telling the truth. Being observant of these “tells” can be one of the best indicators that...

Vanishing Evidence

Vanishing Evidence

A brother in Christ recently spoke with me, informing me that when I began posting this series on the Apollo Moon hoax he thought it absurd to even suggest the Moon landings had been faked. He said that it was only due to his having found so much of my previous teachings and research to be sound...

Prison Escape

Prison Escape

Joseph Herrin (02-15-2016) There are many ways to escape from prison. Not all of them involve leaving the prison facility. I was blessed this week to receive a letter from a man in prison whose correspondence I featured in a series of writings which focused on the Black Hebrew Israelite faction...

The Myth Makers

The Myth Makers

Walt Disney and Wernher Von Braun Most Americans are aware of the German rocket engineer Wernher Von Braun’s association with NASA. Following is an excerpt from Wikipedia. In his twenties and early thirties, Wernher von Braun worked in Germany's rocket development program, where he helped design...

Postcards From the Moon

Postcards From the Moon

The dark, occult, Satanic associations of NASA would be a very hard image to sell to Americans of the late 1960s and early 1970s. According to the polling company Gallup, in the year 1965, 69% of Americans identified themselves as Protestant Christians, while an additional 24% identified as...

Marshalling a Spirit of Excellence

Marshalling a Spirit of Excellence

Joseph Herrin (02-06-2016) Pictured: Bridget Marshall - Audio Technician, Anna Marshall - Cinematographer, Caleb and Zoie Marshall - Actors A story is told of Queen Victoria, the Sovereign of England and Ireland from 1837 until 1901. The tale relates that the queen was much beloved by her...

“Be Ready Always to Give an Answer…”

“Be Ready Always to Give an Answer…”

Joseph Herrin (02-04-2016) This post will conclude this week’s series of prisoner letters. I was blessed to be able to answer all of the men who sent me letters this past week. I went to the post office three times, carrying a large stack of material to be mailed out each time. It was a blessing...

More Prison Correspondence

More Prison Correspondence

Joseph Herrin (02-03-2016) Ware State Prison, Waycross, Georgia The prison in the photo above is where I sent the very first Parables Bookshelf Newsletters to back in February of 2010. It is hard to imagine that it has now been 6 years since the Lord first led me to begin this outreach. By word of...

Pause for the Prisoners

Pause for the Prisoners

Joseph Herrin (2-2-2016) The photo above shows the prisoner letters I received last week. They were more than I could handle over the weekend when I normally attend to prison ministry. I am therefore taking some time this week to attend to all of them before returning to writing additional...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

Macon Rescue Mission