Kristin’s Visit

Kristin’s Visit

My daughter Kristin has come for a visit. She arrived this past Saturday (the 6th) and will be leaving the 29th of August to go back to Poland for her 5th year. She has been keeping herself busy. She has been going on walks with me each morning. She has mowed the yard, and she has told me she...

Laying Down the Law – Conclusion

Laying Down the Law – Conclusion

Closure It is not possible in a single book to answer every question, or objection, raised by those who have adopted the belief that the Law continues in its authority over the lives of those who are Christians. If I included the proofs I have presented to the saints from  every...

Laying Down the Law – Part 20

Laying Down the Law – Part 20

Walk By the Spirit Over the course of many years, as I have taught on this subject, one common concern I have heard expressed is that if Christians are not taught to keep the Law they will end up justifying unrighteous and selfish actions while saying the Spirit of Christ is the source of their...

Laying Down the Law – Part 19

Laying Down the Law – Part 19

Understanding Difficult Scriptures Many saints who have adopted the view that the Law continues as the guardian and tutor to the saints today arrive at this view due to a misapprehension of various Scriptures. Although their conviction may be sincere, error will always result in undesirable...

Laying Down the Law – Part 18

Laying Down the Law – Part 18

Toward a Perfect Man Both Christ and His apostles stated that the goal of their labor was to present men perfect before Yahweh. The time had arrived for man to move past childhood into maturity. Matthew 5:48Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Colossians...

Laying Down the Law – Part 17

Laying Down the Law – Part 17

When God Changed the MenuThe question often arises as to whether Christians are to observe the shadows of the Old Covenant. Should Christians keep the feasts of Yahweh? Should they rest on the Sabbath day? Is it the Father’s will for those in Christ to eat only those foods the Law of Moses...

Laying Down the Law – Part 16

Laying Down the Law – Part 16

A New Creation The apostle Paul devoted most of his letter to the church in Galatia to correcting and refuting the error of those who were teaching that Christians must keep the Law of Moses. Toward the end of the book, as Paul was summarizing what had been written, he made a statement that goes...

Laying Down the Law – Part 15

Laying Down the Law – Part 15

The Road Less Traveled There are two main paths, or doctrinal positions, embraced by the majority of Christians today. One path promotes keeping the Law of Moses, or a body of laws endorsed by their group. These laws are used as the chief instrument to guide believers in their daily lives and...

Laying Down the Law – Part 14

Laying Down the Law – Part 14

The Law of Liberty Have you ever considered why the Law delivered to Moses was written on tablets of stone? The stone tablets symbolized man’s heart. Yahweh provided a parable to show His people what would happen when His law is written on stony hearts. The immediate, and irresistible, result is...

Laying Down the Law – Part 13

Laying Down the Law – Part 13

A Law For Stony Hearts In the preceding chapter we looked at the unique environment Yahweh provided for the Law of Moses, an environment that no longer exists. In this post I want to look at a parallel theme. The Law of Moses was written for a specific type of man. Those who have been born again...

Laying Down the Law – Part 12

Laying Down the Law – Part 12

The Missing Pieces One aspect of the Law of Moses that many Christians have failed to properly examine today is the unique setting in which the Law was intended to be carried out. The Law was given to a peculiar people, at a specific time, under a unique government, and carried out by a priesthood...

Laying Down the Law – Part 11

Laying Down the Law – Part 11

Moses My Servant is Dead A brother in Christ, wrote to me after reading the previous chapter on the life of Moses as a type and shadow of the Law. His comments are pertinent to the subject of this chapter. The title is a quotation taken from the following verse: Joshua 1:1-2Now it came about after...

Laying Down the Law – Part 10

Laying Down the Law – Part 10

My Servant Moses I have found that by studying the parabolic nature of the lives of Old Testament figures, much insight can be gained concerning matters that are shrouded in a fog of confusion. In the previous chapter we looked at the life of Hagar. Who would have known that the two wives of...

Laying Down the Law – Part 9

Laying Down the Law – Part 9

Hagar In the preceding chapters I have set forth a panoramic view of Yahweh’s plan to bring forth mature spiritual sons and daughters. I have labored to show the place of the Law in God’s plan of the ages. Man was not created sinful, nor did Yahweh intend for man to remain perpetually enslaved to...

Laying Down the Law – Part 8

Laying Down the Law – Part 8

From Children of Israel to Sons of God The dealings of God with mankind are progressive. Even as the divine day begins in darkness and progresses to light, so too do we find that Yahweh’s revelation of Himself to man is with an ever increasing brightness. Yahweh has given us many things in the...

Laying Down the Law – Part 7

Laying Down the Law – Part 7

Be Ye Perfect The Law of Moses does not contain the full substance of the mind, character, and will of the Father. These things are comprehended only by the Spirit. I Corinthians 2:10-12For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. .. Now we have received... the Spirit who...

Laying Down the Law – Part 6

Laying Down the Law – Part 6

The Moral Law - A Shadow of Things to ComeMany have set forth the argument that the ceremonial Law, and the Law of offerings and sacrifices, have been set aside for those who are in Christ, but the moral Law still holds sway over the life of an individual. They teach that the moral Law still is to...

Laying Down the Law – Part 5

Laying Down the Law – Part 5

The Deficiency of the Law It offends some who revere the Law to see it described as deficient. Yet this is the testimony of the Scriptures. The Law was a shadow. Shadows lack substance. The Law could make nothing perfect. The Law could not impart divine life. The Law could not permanently take...

Laying Down the Law – Part 4

Laying Down the Law – Part 4

A New Spirit I will continue to lay a foundation of understanding, before proceeding to address specific arguments that advocate the continuance of the Law. Rightly dividing the word of God will be much easier for those who first have gained an understanding of the role of the Law in Yahweh’s plan...

Laying Down the Law – Part 3

Laying Down the Law – Part 3

The Father’s Plan What is the Father’s ultimate thought in regard to mankind? We must answer this question if we are to perceive the Law’s role in the greater scheme of things. We can find the Father’s mind concerning man in the first chapter of the Bible. Genesis 1:26-28Then God said, "Let Us...

Laying Down the Law – Part 2

Laying Down the Law – Part 2

A Wider View This is the second book in which I have included a chapter titled “A Wider View.” I have found that certain kingdom truths are difficult to comprehend unless we first envision the grand panoramic scope of Yahweh’s works and plans. When we focus narrowly on a subject, apart from...

Laying Down the Law – Part 1

Laying Down the Law – Part 1

Foreword A word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find this writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...

Freemasonry Unveiled

I am posting 9 separate videos on Freemasonry. They are all by the same individual, and are parts of 1 large video that I watched a little over a month ago. The single, large video is no longer available.  I do highly recommend that all readers of this blog watch these videos. As you do, you will...

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 35 – A People for His Praise

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 35 – A People for His Praise

When we moved to our new home in Byron our family had been battling sickness for a few weeks. Some condition similar to bronchitis had been passed around from one member to another, and I had come down with it about a week before our move. Tony also was afflicted with it at this time. I did not...

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 34 – Understanding Comes

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 34 – Understanding Comes

When I discerned that God would once more have us to move I began meeting regularly with my family to pray for God’s direction and provision to be made known. We were specific in those things we asked for. In particular, we desired a house with at least three bedrooms so Kristin and Josiah might...

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 33 – A Season of Grace

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 33 – A Season of Grace

We had been in Montezuma, Georgia for four months. Our time had started off with great promise, but had ended with tremendous disappointment. I had felt certain that the Lord would use this people as a core group to begin to raise up a people to His praise. I had prayed for such a people for ten...

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 32 – My Son, My Son!

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 32 – My Son, My Son!

I mentioned that we were to know one more final, agonizing test before we left our home on Levie Road. It began the day the Sheriff arrived to tell us we would have to be out in three days, and this test would be brief, but intense. As soon as the Sheriff left I told my family that we would indeed...

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 31 – The Threat of Eviction

Evidence of Things Unseen, Chapter 31 – The Threat of Eviction

After being in this home on Levie Road for a month it came time to pay for another month’s rent. Once more God’s provision did not include money to pay the rent on time. I was really grieved by this, and I argued with God some concerning this matter. I reminded Him that we had asked that if it was...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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