Double Jeopardy – Part 5

Joseph Herrin (05-21-2014) The Invitation of Christ There is an undeniable appeal inherent within the prophetic movement today. Even as the movie Double Jeopardy opened with an image of the main character admiring the beauty and grace of the sailboat Morning Star upon the waters of the...

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 4

Joseph Herrin (05- 17-2014) “God is raising up a modern day group of Moravians.” I encourage you to begin this post by watching the 5 minute video above. It is not put out by Morningstar Ministries. Rather it is produced by The Harbour Church out...

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 3

Joseph Herrin (05-15-2014) Having come to discern the duplicity, and the deception, that is present at Morningstar Ministries, the very name of the organization now strikes me as bearing some significance. It is fairly well known among Christians that the term Morning Star is used in various...

Double Jeopardy – Part 2

Joseph Herrin (05-12-2014) Morning Star The image above shows Libby, played by Ashley Judd, being held by the local Sheriff in front of the Morning Star as it is roped off with crime scene tape. There is a tremendous parable in this imagery. The character played by Ashley Judd represents the bride...

Double Jeopardy

Joseph Herrin (05-10-2014) 1999 Movie Double Jeopardy(Note how the reflection of the sailboat forms the image of a knife.) With the death of prophet Bob Jones who has had such an influence upon Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) and Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, I...

Illusion and Reality

(Click on any Image to View Larger) A common adage states that “Seeing is believing.” This expression has never been less true than in this modern age of television, broadcast media, and the Internet. A disciple of Christ would be very ill advised to believe what their eyes see and ears hear in...

Exciting News

Excellent NewsJoseph Herrin Kristin (My Daughter) & I My daughter Kristin is here to visit me. She will be in the U.S.A. for a month. She is regularly in Poland where she serves as a missionary. She has been over there for 5 years. When she goes back this time it will be to serve as Director...

New NSA Products Coming to a Home Near You

Joseph Herrin NSA Logo Parody NSA: National Security AgencyNSA Alternate Acronym: Nothing Secure Anymore I am not an anarchist, nor am I a rebel. I do not advocate armed resistance against the governments of the world, nor am I a proponent of political activism. Although I often write...

Expatriates – Part 7

A Family Following in Christ’s Footsteps (Conclusion) Joseph Herrin (07-01-2013) The Exit Part Two The story of our trip back doesn't end there. We landed at our connecting airport in the states and needed to take another flight to get to our final destination. Like the first leg, this would be...

Expatriates – Part 6

A Family Following in Christ’s Footsteps Joseph Herrin (06-30-2013) Some weeks back it was my privilege to receive a visit from a young family who exemplifies the life of the sojourner upon the earth. Tom and Rachel, along with their young daughter Sela, were returning home to the upper midwest...

Expatriates – Part 5

An Attitude of Gratitude This blog is a bit dated. Some of the statements toward the end are not true these days. I now own a bus, a 1972 Carpenter School bus that I have transformed into a motorhome. I also own a car, a 2003 Toyota RAV4. Joseph Herrin (05-30-2013) Expatriate:• to banish (a...

Expatriates – Part 4

You Can’t Take it with You!  Joseph Herrin (05-25-2013) Expatriate:• to banish (a person) from his or her native country.• to withdraw (oneself) from residence in one's native country.• to withdraw (oneself) from allegiance to one's...

Expatriates – Part 3

Where You Lead, I Will Follow Joseph Herrin (05-21-2013) Expatriate:• to banish (a person) from his or her native country.• to withdraw (oneself) from residence in one's native country.• to withdraw (oneself) from allegiance to one's...

Expatriates – Part 2

Family Matters Joseph Herrin (05-15-2013) Expatriate:• to banish (a person) from his or her native country.• to withdraw (oneself) from residence in one's native country.• to withdraw (oneself) from allegiance to one's country.[Source:]...

Expatriates – Part 1

I was reading over some past parables and I came across this one called Expatriates. It brought to mind my daughter Kristin who is living a life far away from the home she was raised in. Kristin is 34 and is a missionary in Poland, a place the Spirit of God led her to four years ago. She has been...

The Hearing Ear – Part 6

Joseph Herrin (08-11-2012) Proverbs 20:12The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. Let us suppose that a child of God has acknowledged the cost of Christian discipleship and they have accepted it. They have surrendered their life to be led of the Spirit wherever He would guide...

The Hearing Ear – Part 5

Joseph Herrin (08-10-2012) Proverbs 20:12The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. This teaching on spiritual hearing would not be complete apart from an examination of the following words of Yahshua the Messiah. As He was speaking to His disciples, He stated: Luke 8:18"So...

The Hearing Ear – Part 4

Joseph Herrin (08-09-2012) Proverbs 20:12The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. Suppose you have a very good friend that you wish to meet with to share some very intimate and important matters. What type of environment would you choose to meet at? Would you arrange to meet...

The Hearing Ear – Part 3

Joseph Herrin (08-07-2012) Proverbs 20:12The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. That there are so many Christians who do not hear the voice of God today reveals that there are fundamental problems among the body of Christ. One has to go back to the root and address the...

The Hearing Ear – Part 2

Joseph Herrin (08-06-2012) Proverbs 20:12The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. Spiritual hearing is absolutely essential to those who are disciples of Christ. It is impossible to walk as a disciple apart from being led of God’s voice. This testimony is seen profusely...

The Hearing Ear – Part 1

Dogs are renowned for their sense of smell. Dogs can detect scents that are undetectable to man. Being the primary sense with which dogs relate to the world around them, it is not surprising that they are born with their sense of smell already functioning, while being both blind and deaf at birth....

Divorced From Truth – Part 6

Examining the Traditions of Christ’s Nativity I do not doubt that some who read this particular post will be shocked to find that some of the most basic traditions concerning the Christ, the Son of God, that they have heard all of their lives are in fact false. Reshaping the image of Christ is not...

Divorced From Truth – Part 5

Ecumenicism - Another Jesus, Another Gospel II Corinthians 11:3-4But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached,...

Divorced From Truth – Part 4

No Perfect Bible Translation After sending out the first part of this teaching series, a sister in Christ wrote to me to ask me to provide further information on Bible translations. Some have wanted to know specifically what errors are present in various translations, and some have requested that...

Divorced From Truth – Part 3

The Distinctiveness of Christ II Corinthians 13:5Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Yahshua Christ is in you - unless indeed you fail the test? I would like to give you a test of spiritual discernment....

Divorced From Truth – Part 2

Jesus Christ, Yahshua the Messiah - The ONLY Way to God John 14:6Yahshua said to him, "I am THE way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” John 10:7-9So Yahshua said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am THE door of the sheep. All who came...

Divorced From Truth – Part 1

Divorced From Truth – Part 1

Despising DoctrineJoseph Herrin (11-04-08) II Thessalonians 2:13Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Yahshua Christ and our gathering together to Him..., let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first......

How to Fake a Pandemic

Note: This article is a repeat of an article written in 2020 by George Young that speaks of the U.S.A. government creating and spreading a pandemic. It is good to review it now to see how successful they have been. May we all be shown mercy by our Father who cannot and will not be deceived. -...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 10

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 10

Everyone Who Has This HopeThe world did not recognize that Yahshua was the Son of God. In the same way the world does not recognize that there are sons of God walking around among mortal men in this hour. There are those who have been born of holy seed dwelling among those who have known only the...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 9

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 9

The Father’s WorkYahweh has designed this present world in such a way that His sons might know His ways, and walk in an understanding manner before Him. One thing that has been common to all men is having a vocation or occupation. Although there have been some very affluent and decadent societies...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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