I have recently been contacted by a young African American male who lives in Birmingham, Alabama. He has never had a father figure in his life, and growing up in the midst of a godless society that thrives on rap music, drugs, violence, and sexual immorality, he has already experienced the depths of depravity in America’s godless culture.
Devondre is twenty years old, and is under conviction. He is reaching out for someone to help him find peace with God, knowing that his many sins have separated him from a holy Creator. Devondre’s writing skills are limited making it untenable for me to provide via the Internet or e-mail the type of discipleship training he needs.
I am writing to ask the readers of this blog if they know of any individual, or church, in the Birmingham area who walk by the Spirit, fearing God, and who have a heart to rescue the perishing. If you do, please let me know that I might be assisted in making contact with those who can supply the godly influences that this young man so desperately needs. If you do not know of anyone in the Birmingham area who would be suitable, please join me in praying that Yahweh would be gracious in raising up someone to be a spiritual mentor to Devondre.
Thank you,
Joseph Herrin
Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws
Parables Blog: www.parablesblog.blogspot.com
Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063
Hi Josepth, this ministry is not in the Alabama area but are in Atlanta. However the pastor of this ministry does deal with young men in simular circumstances to the young man you have described.
The pastor's name is Gary Price and the ministry is called omega ministries.
This ministry produces audio messages twice weekly, often on subjects of the spiritual powers behind hip hop, fatherlessness and how it perverts young people.
I would recommend this audio message for the young man you are requesting help for:
Mark st
Thanks Mark,
I believe this young man needs a more one on one interaction with someone who can disciple him. He has some religious conviction, but I do not know whether he has been born again of the Spirit.
I too could offer him audios and books, but I don't believe they would be very effective with him. He needs someone who he can share with and receive counseling for specific needs.