Seeing Symbolism in Human Tragedy

Joseph Herrin (07-27-08) After posting the writing yesterday that spoke of the deaths of two young men and the message inherent in their tragic end, I was met with a response that is not unusual. A person who did not give their name wrote: “You are not only sick in your body, but sick in your...

Responses to Recent Posts

Joseph Herrin (07-26-08) As I have been contemplating all of the witnesses that the Lord has been giving to His people in America about what is coming upon this land, I have been reminded of the testimony of Boris Sorokovsky. Boris’ family was residing in the Ukraine after the communists came to...

Gospel Chemistry

Joseph Herrin (07-25-08) I have had it upon my mind to write this article for a number of years. The thoughts expressed here first began to take seed in my mind back in 2003 as I was writing the book The Mark of the Beast. Of all the books I have written thus far, this one was the one most marked...

News Notes

Joseph Herrin (07-24-08) There is so much happening in the news of late that is of significance that I find myself amazed at the witnesses being given of what is coming to America. I want to touch on several very recent news items here. Let me start by sharing a bit of historical information on...

Hurricane Dolly

Joseph Herrin (07-23-08) Dolly officially became a hurricane at the 4:00 PM (Central Time) update of the National Hurricane Center on July 22nd, 2008. There are numerous significant details in what I have just shared with you. Four is a number symbolizing humility, being related to the earth....

A Prophecy and a Dream

Joseph Herrin (07-22-08) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I wanted to pass along to you a prophecy and a dream that I received from two Believers today. Both are remarkable, and speak of great and terrible things that are about to come upon the earth. May you be blessed with peace and...

More Signs and Witnesses

Joseph Herrin (07-21-08) Stop for a moment and look around you. What do you see? If you are at work, do you see business going on as it has for years? If you are at home, do you see the normalcy of routine, the ebb and flow of the daily patterns of living? Does it not seem like things have always...

The Garment of Humility

Joseph Herrin (07-20-08) I Peter 5:5 And all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. I Kings 21:27-29 And it came about when Ahab heard these words, that he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and fasted, and he...

The Double Portion of Judgment

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I said I would post a second witness to the collapse of America, having sent out the previous post on the two Miss USA contestants falling for the past two years during the evening gown part of the competition for Miss Universe. I have been struck by the double...

America’s Fall is Certain

America’s Fall is Certain Joseph Herrin (07-15-08) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Spirit of God continues to bring forth testimonies of what is coming to America. The time is growing very close. Signs of distress on the nation are all around. The stock market indexes are all in bear...

Books Are Now Available

Books Are Now Available Joseph Herrin (07-11-08) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Today is a landmark day in the ministry of writing that the Lord called me unto back in 1999. Like Joseph the son of Jacob, Moses, David and Yahshua Himself, I understood that I had a call upon my life to write...

A Testimony of a Dying Son

A Testimony of a Dying Son Joseph Herrin (07-09-08) I Corinthians 15:31 I die daily. Luke 9:23-24 And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it, but whoever...

Stick With What You Know

Stick to What You Know Joseph Herrin (07-08-08) I Timothy 1:6-7 For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers..., even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions....

Praying with Heart Idols

The Following post was written by David Weber. I received it today, and it speaks so clearly of a matter of great importance that I was inclined to share it here. May you be challenged to renewed vigilance in this matter as you consider these things. Joseph Herrin Praying with Heart Idols "...I...

Those Troublesome Scriptures

Those Troublesome Scriptures Joseph Herrin (07-02-08) Several have written already in response to yesterday’s post titled Laying Down the Law. They have written with much affirmation, and have shared the various ways in which Yahweh has revealed to them the truth of the Believer’s call to be led...

Laying Down the Law

Laying Down the Law Joseph Herrin (07-01-08) This post is extracted from a recent correspondence with a brother in Christ. It bears much relevance to the lives of all the saints. If any have questioned whether they are to be subject to the laws of the Old Testament today, this writing is offered...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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