Living Epistles – Part Eight

Living Epistles – Part Eight

Joseph Herrin (09-09-09) Bill Britton Bill and Nadine Britton Bill Britton was one of the first modern day pioneers of the faith whose writings I was blessed to encounter. Although I never met this brother, his teachings challenged me at a time when the Spirit of Christ was opening my eyes to...

The Next Appearance of Christ

Although I posted this writing about eight months ago, I am led to do so again. With so much attention upon the dire things coming upon the earth, it is needful to keep in mind that there are also tremendous things set to occur in spiritual realms. These events are to be greatly anticipated by all...

Living Epistles – Part Seven

Living Epistles – Part Seven

Joseph Herrin (08-30-09) The following testimonies are taken from the book The Heavenly Man, which is the story of the life of Brother Yun, a Chinese Christian and minister. The book relates many ways in which the Chinese Christians have suffered under the Communist government since 1949. It also...

Living Epistles – Part Six

Living Epistles – Part Six

Joseph Herrin (08-29-09) George Muller The name George Muller is familiar to many Christians who have heard of his work in providing for thousands of orphans in England during the 1800s. His was a remarkable life. He was born in Prussia in 1805, what would now be called Germany. The Prussian...

Dreams, Visions, and Current Events

Dreams, Visions, and Current Events

Joseph Herrin (08-26-09) I want to share some things that have been shared with me recently. As the hour grows increasingly late, the signs of birth pangs in the Earth are all around us. "The Coming Bank Failures - A Prophetic Dream" By Nathan Leal - August 25, 2009 The FDIC will soon be...

Living Epistles – Part Five

Living Epistles – Part Five

Joseph Herrin (08-22-09) The following is a remarkable excerpt from the testimony of Boris Sorokovsky. Boris’ family was from the Ukraine, from the area around Kiev. He shares how God led the Christians in the Ukraine to flee their homes before the Communists began a severe persecution in 1933...

Hell’s Pharmacy – Part Two

Hell’s Pharmacy – Part Two

Joseph Herrin (08-20-09) Pictured Above: Pharmaceutical Parts Supplier (Organs; eyes, kidneys, lungs harvested to produce biological material for vaccines.) It is not hyperbole, sensationalism, or exaggeration to suggest that the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies are using body parts from...

News Round-up

Joseph Herrin (08-18-09) There have been some noteworthy articles in the news recently relating to the swine flu. I am going to pass them on to the readers of the Parables Blog. First, however, I am going to share a testimony that was added as a comment to an earlier post titled Preparing the Ark....

Living Epistles – Part Four

Living Epistles – Part Four

Joseph Herrin (08-17-09) Rees Howells in Later Years The following testimony comes from the book Rees Howells - Intercessor, by Norman Grubb. I value the testimony of this book greatly, for it brings out the understanding that the power of the Holy Spirit is released when He finds a man or woman...

Hell’s Pharmacy

Hell’s Pharmacy

Joseph Herrin (08-14-09) In writing this post I have experienced a greater horror at the discovery of the sinister abominations coming forth upon the world than I can remember. It was as if my spirit man were weeping at the things being revealed. If you had any doubts about whether you were to...

In the News

In the News

Joseph Herrin (08-13-09) Note: I will be continuing the series Living Epistles after I pass along some of these pertinent items in the news. Tetelestai - It is Finished The following news report follows up on the recent shooting of a number of women at a Pittsburgh area health club. It is...

Internment Coming

Internment Coming

Joseph Herrin (08-12-09) Stockade Doors at Andersonville Civil War Prison Those things written here are shared as a word of prophecy for the body of Christ in America. There are times when I have a profound sense of the Father ordering my steps to communicate some truth, and the past couple days...

Living Epistles – Part Three

Joseph Herrin (08-11-09) In a day when it is often hard to find living examples of faith close to home, men and women that we can interact with personally, I have found that the biographies of these lights of God’s Kingdom can often provide the encouragement that I very much need. I have been...

Living Epistles – Part Two

Living Epistles – Part Two

Joseph Herrin (08-10-09) Today’s blog continues the series of testimonies of practical faith in a very present God. May your faith be encouraged as you read it. Jose Alvarez Family Jose Alvarez, his wife Mary, and their children live in Pena Blanca, New Mexico. God has been using them in ministry...

Living Epistles – Part One

Living Epistles – Part One

Joseph Herrin (08-09-09) The days ahead will test the faith of God’s people. Only a remnant will be willing to follow wherever Yahweh would lead them, casting their entire lives over into His care. This “little flock” will be tested as they look to God for protection, shelter, food, health, and...


Joseph Herrin (08-07-09) I recently read a book by Benjamin Baruch that had been given me by a brother in Christ while I was traveling across the country. The book is titled The Day of the Lord is at Hand. The book contained some excellent sections, and made it well worth the reading. I shared it...

The Beauty of Little Things

A sister in Christ sent me the following short writing by Claudia Esh. It is a wonderful piece with some tremendous insights. I am posting it here that you might be encouraged and edified. Joseph Herrin The Beauty of Little Thingsby Claudia Esh Recently I’ve been reading a lot about approaching...

Could This Really be Happening in America?

Could This Really be Happening in America?

Joseph Herrin (08-05-09) A brother in Christ sent me an e-mail this morning that included the words “Could This Really be Happening in America?” in the subject line. The e-mail contained a link to the following YouTube video which shows a television ad put out by the Democratic National Committee....

A Wilderness Testimony

Joseph Herrin (07-31-09) I received permission from a sister in Christ to share a testimony that she sent to me a few days ago. I am very much encouraged to observe how God is moving upon various of His sons and daughters to position them and to prepare them for days of distress which the Spirit...

Sinister Things Coming

Sinister Things Coming

Joseph Herrin (07-30-09) Sinister: Sinister is originally a Latin term for left or to the left (and by extension, left-handedness)... It is often used to mean evil. [Source:] I have written two posts previously that mentioned the symbolism of Barack Obama...

Opening Blind Eyes; Unstopping Deaf Ears

Opening Blind Eyes; Unstopping Deaf Ears

Joseph Herrin (07-27-09) Isaiah 42:18-20 Hear, you deaf! And look, you blind, that you may see. Who is blind but My servant, or so deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is so blind as he that is at peace with Me, or so blind as the servant of Yahweh? You have seen many things, but you do not...

Soap Bubble in Cygnus

Soap Bubble in Cygnus

Joseph Herrin (07-25-09) Yahweh uses the heavens as His celestial message board. From the opening chapter of the Old Testament we read that the heavenly bodies serve as signs. Genesis 1:14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let...

Wasting Your Talents

Wasting Your Talents

Joseph Herrin (07-24-09) I have been kept busy with various tasks related to getting buses and motorhomes ready for different people this past week. This is the reason there have been no posts to the Parables Blog. My inbox is also full of unanswered e-mail. If you have written to me, I want you...

The Left Hand of the Beast

The Left Hand of the Beast

Joseph Herrin (07-20-09) Barack Obama with His Left Hand on Rick Warren’s Shoulder I have heard from a number of people who have stated that they look forward to each new blog posting. They have encouraged me to continue to send them out, and some have commented that they appreciate the details I...

The Road of Trials and Testing

The Road of Trials and Testing

Joseph Herrin (07-15-09) I hear from quite a number of people concerning their experiences in this hour. Many are finding the Spirit directing their paths to make preparations for coming days when the four horsemen of the apocalypse will be stalking the land. Following is an account from Joe Boes,...

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

Joseph Herrin (07-11-09) Not long ago David Wilkerson shared a message warning the body of Christ of great calamity which is about to befall the nation. He said that what would be observed would be so shocking that even the righteous would tremble. Many other prophetic voices have spoken similar...

The End of Vanity Fair

The End of Vanity Fair

Joseph Herrin (07–08-09) I would like to comment somewhat further on the events I wrote of yesterday. I shared some experiences that occurred over the 4th of July week-end involving broken boats, inoperable jet skis, failed air conditioners and the like. It is important that we be sensitive to...

A Wilderness Experience

A Wilderness Experience

Joseph Herrin (07-07-09) Some have wondered about the lack of any blog postings during the past week. I went camping in the Oconee Forest of Georgia on the banks of Lake Sinclair in order to check out some of the things I have recently repaired and added to my camper/van. Following is a picture of...

To the Angel of Mormon Church- Part 2

Joseph Herrin (07-01-09) Part one of this message can be read here: Less that two weeks ago I reported on an event that contained a message for the people of God who find themselves joined to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter...

Forced Vaccinations

Joseph Herrin (06-29-09) I have continued to see many signs of the government setting in place all the apparatus to vaccinate the entire population of the United States, and these steps are being taken in other nations as well. Such steps are unprecedented, and there is certainly an evil agenda...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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