Thank You

Thank You

Joseph Herrin (12-31-2017) Another year has rolled around, and with it I am grateful for all of you. The ones who come here to read the words that lift up the Lord and inform your soul, I am thankful for you. To the ones that send me support on a regular, or irregular basis, I am thankful for you....

Why North Korea?

Why North Korea?

Joseph Herrin (12-28-2017) Why is it that President Trump has to go against North Korea now? Why does this little country bother him so much? It takes up such a small space on the map. North Korea is such a minor little country. It cannot effect America in any great measure. It must have something...

2017 – 2018

2017 – 2018

Joseph Herrin (12-23-2017) The following pictures symbolize what the news has reported for 2017. First there has been the President of the United States. Donald Trump is a sad person to pick for President, but the newspapers and news shows don’t mind. 90% of them are owned by no more than six...

President Putin

President Putin

Joseph Herrin (12/15/2017) It is one thing to state that the President of the United States is a chosen vessel of the New Word Order. We can see the signs everywhere. The news is against him. The news that is owned by five companies representing thousands of individual sources. It is perhaps a...

California Fires

California Fires

Joseph Herrin (12-12-2017) Lately I have had numerous people corresponding with me about the fires in California. Some non-conventional news sites are focusing on the California...

The Road From Babylon To Zion

The Road From Babylon To Zion

Joseph Herrin (12/05/2017) Where is Babylon today, and are Yahweh’s people in it? A number of years back I realized that I was in Babylon. I began to see signs of idolatry and slavery all about me. I owed money for things I wanted today and was willing to work tomorrow for. I owed money on a...

Removing the High Places – Presentation

Removing the High Places – Presentation

This post is on the subject of Christmas and Easter. I am presenting it here so that if anyone should want to print it out and share it with others they may do so. If anyone wants to know the truth about these High Places of modern Christianity, it is written here. I ask you to read it patiently....

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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