Joseph Herrin (06-01-2020)

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I had some folks write to me and ask about my dogs recently. I say dogs because I had Champ, pictured above in a photo taken today, and I also had Girlfriend which I gave away about 4 years ago. Champ and Girlfriend had a group of 8 puppies about 4 years ago. It was at that time that I had my stroke so my daughter Kristin gave the puppies away. The only dog I have left is Champ.

I had gotten Champ as a puppy in June of 2012. He is about 8 years old now. We have lots of good memories. He has a runner attached to about a hundred feet of sky line. He can go about 20 feet either direction for 100 feet.

When I was in better shape I used to take Champ on bicycle and tricycle runs. I had to give the bicycle up when Champ pulled me over on a sandy road on Jekyll Island. It was then I got a Catrike three wheeler and started taking him on that. Champ and the Catrike

Champ and the Catrike (12-26-2013)
That is Champ at about 7-8 months old. He could really pull.
On another note, Friday morning I awoke to my roof air going out on my motorhome. It is quite warm down in Georgia so this caught my attention rather quick. The AC was flipping the breaker inside the Motorhome. It was about 6 or 7 years old, and the last time it failed I found one on Craigslist for $600 and replaced it myself. This time I checked on Craigslist again and found only one in the whole Georgia area. It was in a town called Flowery Branch, about a 2-1/2 hour drive from here, and I have a real good friend who lives there. I asked him to go check it out, wondering how I would get it installed once I got it here. He went and checked it out in the early evening, and it was the wrong type. It went on a motorhome that had duct work all through it, and it didn’t have dials to turn it on and off.
The next morning I decided to look for a window unit. First thing I went to Lowe’s Home Depot, and I found a portable unit that sat on the floor.

My new AC
It really works good, and it only cost about $400 dollars (tax included.) The roof air conditioner
is about twice as much. There is a range of prices on the roof ACs. They run from about $680 – $1,350. It does take up a bit of floor space, but I have a bus converted to a Motorhome.
To start off my day I usually sit out under my canopy next to my bus/motorhome. I will show you some of my views.

This is my seating area. It is at the back of the property. The cows in the pasture come right up to the fence. The most cows I have seen in the pasture is 40+. Right now there are only about 19. They are pleasant neighbors. There are old homes behind the fence, which at the current time are in a state of beginning disrepair.
Looking to the right, with your back to the fence, you can see a large pasture. This is the western view.

Here is some flowers up in the trees behind me.

The birds really make a loud noise in the morning. There are cowbirds, redbirds, robins, little finches, blackbirds, and mockingbirds to name a few. To those who do not know, I am parking my motorhome on my daughter’s rental property on the outskirts of Montezuma, GA. This is about 1/3rd of the way up from the bottom of the state. My daughter is currently in Poland, working for a English language mission. She has been there 2 years, and she has 1 year to go. She had her last day of school last week, and she is coming home for a month which will begin on June 15th.
While she is gone George is renting her house, and he is also taking over the prison ministry for me. The prison ministry is mailed newsletters about twice a month. The newsletters consist of the books and some of the smaller writings from my websites. There are at present about 215 men who subscribe to the ministry. George also is working from home for a roofing business. Being able to stay at the same place during this time provides me a sense of stability in the ministries that I have been assigned by Yahweh. I have been laboring full time in ministry for the past 21 years.
Ever since George has been here he has shown an interest in gardening. Following are some photos of George’s increase of the land.

Herbs and Berries

Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Corn, Beans and Squash, Watermelon and My Bus in the Background


Miniature Tomatoes

Fig Trees, Olive Trees, Blueberry, and Pomegranate

Pink Lemonade Blueberry




Apple Trees



Today’s pickings. That is all for now.
Heart4God Website:
Parables Blog:
Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063