Ten Steps to Communism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels In the previous post I mentioned that the governmental order which the Illuminati is working to establish on a global scale is Communism. The evidence for this will now be set forth. The Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt....
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Dragon Flood – Part 15
Revolutions Revisited America’s history is replete with the myth of the “just war.” Every war America has entered into has been sold to the people as a righteous and rational response to provocations, as a defense of America’s sovereignty, or her freedoms, or as a benevolent decision to aid...
Dragon Flood – Part 14
Eugenics Eugenics Congress Logo The principles by which Satan and his disciples operate are hidden in plain sight. Anyone with the inclination can discover reams of information about the U.S. government’s propaganda machine, the Committee on Public Information, which was utilized during World War...
Dragon Flood – Part 13
The Committee on Public Information Gettysburg Dead The reasons for war are seldom what the history books declare. The American Civil War was not entered into as a struggle to end slavery. Abraham Lincoln is frequently touted as “the Great Emancipator,” yet his own words reveal that abolishing...
Dragon Flood – Part 12
Freedom of Speech America has been heralded as a land where her citizens are free to speak their minds without fear of repression. This perception is more myth than reality. Understanding that the United States was formed as a Luciferian nation, the thoughtful saint will consider that Satan is not...
Dragon Flood – Part 11
Aristocracy of Deceit Opening Line from Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson chose as the opening line to The Declaration of Independence the words: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with...
Dragon Flood – Part 10
Do As Thou Wilt Some months back I posted a blog on the subject of the Liberty Bell. The story of the Liberty Bell features prominently in the founding of America as a nation, and is a staple of public school history lessons. Following is an excerpt from that article. --- The Liberty Bell has...
Dragon Flood – Part 9
As Above, So Below Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool Matthew 6:9-10 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. KJV Satan is an usurper. He seeks to claim for himself that role...
Dragon Flood – Part 8
The Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2:9 “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Masonic Lodge Initiation, 1780 The reader of this series would arrive at a wrong conclusion if in reading...
Dragon Flood – Part 7
Flag of the Fathers Depiction of Betsy Ross Sewing First Flag of the U.S.A. A popular story told to all American school children is that of the young widow Betsy Ross being approached by three men who asked her if she could create the first flag of the United States of America. The mythology of...
Dragon Flood – Part 6
Dragon’s Head George Washington - U.S. Capitol Building Ceremony Look closely at the image above. George Washington appears in full Masonic regalia as the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol building was laid in an elaborate ceremony. The above painting is a historically accurate depiction of the...
Dragon Flood – Part 5
Dragon’s Brew - The Boston Tea Party Freemasons Dressed as Mohawk Indians Dumping Tea into Boston Harbor In this post I will demonstrate the manner in which historical accounts of America’s founding as a nation have been fraudulently reported resulting in a false history that hides the influence...
Dragon Flood – Part 4
A History of Deception The image next to this is the cover of a popular book that reveals some of the serious omissions, and glaring errors, found in twelve of the most popular history books used in the public school systems of America today. It is not written from a Christian perspective, but it...
Dragon Flood – Part 3
A Biblical Interpretation of American History Signing of The Declaration of Independence One of the great failings of Christians is observed in their embrace of the historical views of nations thrust upon them by a godless society. The Scriptures declare that Christians are aliens and strangers in...
Dragon Flood – Part 2
The Hidden Hand Salomon Rothschild To clearly have unveiled to one’s eyes the vast deception that inundates the nations today the Christian must look beyond the realm of man to perceive those dark spiritual forces that have been at work among man since the fall of our first forebears in the Garden...
Dragon Flood – Part 1
Revelation 12:15-16 And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth. Introduction I...
The Hearing Ear – Part 6
Joseph Herrin (08-11-2012) Proverbs 20:12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. Let us suppose that a child of God has acknowledged the cost of Christian discipleship and they have accepted it. They have surrendered their life to be led of the Spirit wherever He would...
The Hearing Ear – Part 5
Joseph Herrin (08-10-2012) Proverbs 20:12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. This teaching on spiritual hearing would not be complete apart from an examination of the following words of Yahshua the Messiah. As He was speaking to His disciples, He stated: Luke 8:18 "So...
The Hearing Ear – Part 4
Joseph Herrin (08-09-2012) Proverbs 20:12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. Suppose you have a very good friend that you wish to meet with to share some very intimate and important matters. What type of environment would you choose to meet at? Would you arrange to meet...
The Hearing Ear – Part 3
Joseph Herrin (08-07-2012) Proverbs 20:12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. That there are so many Christians who do not hear the voice of God today reveals that there are fundamental problems among the body of Christ. One has to go back to the root and address the...
The Hearing Ear – Part 2
Joseph Herrin (08-06-2012) Proverbs 20:12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. Spiritual hearing is absolutely essential to those who are disciples of Christ. It is impossible to walk as a disciple apart from being led of God’s voice. This testimony is seen profusely...
The Hearing Ear – Part 1
Joseph Herrin (08-05-2012) Proverbs 20:12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Yahweh has made them both. I have shared that Yahweh entrusted me with an abandoned puppy to care for and to raise as my own. Dogs are renowned for their sense of smell. Dogs can detect scents that are undetectable to...
The Early Rain and the Latter Rain
Joseph Herrin (03-04-2019) Deuteronomy 11:13-15 “And it shall be that if you earnestly obey My commandments which I command you today, to love Yahweh your God and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, then I will give you the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the...
A Moral Victory
Joseph Herrin (1-9-2012) This is a 7 year repeat of a remarkable story of Tim Tebow, the missionary born quarterback who has made a large impact for Christ. Tim Tebow - Quarterback for Denver Broncos Not having a television, I don’t watch too many sporting events, but athletic competition...
A Contrast of Kingdoms – The Tower Builders
Joseph Herrin (07-12-2012) In recent posts I have written about the One World Trade Center building in New York City, and The Shard in London. As I wrote of these two buildings, the tallest on two continents, I began to consider what these towers represent. I am not referring to the individual...
666 & Trump
Joseph Herrin (10-28-2017) Note: This is a repeat of an article that reveals Donald Trump's affection for the number 666. One would expect that if you are an antichrist that there would be signs of it. One of the greatest signs would be a 666. Besides Donald Trump’s home in New York City which is...
The Marriage Covenant – Final
Foundation Stone Seven - Glorious Union What if it were the Father’s plan to so fill mankind with His own holy, omnipotent and omniscient presence that it became impossible to tell where He ended and where we began? Suppose that in a moment of time we became so infused with the divine life that it...
The Marriage Covenant – Part 9
Foundation Stone Six - Betrothal We now are come to look at the beautiful pattern and parable of betrothal. I hesitate to describe this as Hebrew betrothal, or a Jewish betrothal custom, for the pattern to be examined here is one that Yahweh Himself uses to describe the relation between His Son...
The Marriage Covenant – Part 8
Foundation Stone Five - The Polluted Land We observed previously that Yahweh uses parables to provide understanding to His people. We looked at the parable of the soul in its two halves, as it is manifested in the cutting of a blood covenant. We observed many truths as we looked at the parable of...
The Marriage Covenant – Part 7
Prelude to Foundation Stone Five - The Hidden Cost of Free Sex It is one thing to know that Yahweh forbids sexual intercourse outside of marriage, it is quite another thing to understand why. Perhaps you have never pondered this topic. Seeing that men and women have a strong attraction to...
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