The God Who is There!

Joseph Herrin Following are some testimonies of an ever present and powerful God. Hallelujah. Psalms 46:1God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.[Amplified Bible] Two Testimonies of Healing - Yahweh Rophe As I read of...

The Mind Set on the Spirit is Life

Joseph Herrin Psalms 103:7He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the sons of Israel. Christians generally fall into the two categories listed in the verse above. There are those who observe the acts of God, but have little understanding of what God is doing in their lives. Then there is a...

Fear – The Enemy Within

Joseph Herrin (01-04-09) Genesis 3:10And he said, I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. One of the greatest themes in the Bible is mankind’s struggle against fear. The first mention of fear in Scripture comes in the third chapter of Genesis,...

Are You Judging Righteously?

Joseph Herrin God has purposed that all things should be established by two or more witnesses and the two most pronounced witnesses He has given to the church are the Spirit and the Word. Unfortunately, much of the church has polarized around one or the other of these witnesses and they end up...

The Cup of Christ

Note : You may have noticed that my blog posts were off the last two weeks. I would post a blog on Monday (typically) and it would print on the home page, but would not mail out. The problem was that the site was using too much memory. I asked George to take a look at it and he ran a clean up on...

Herding Swine into the Arms of the Beast System

Joseph Herrin (04-29-09) The Harlot and the Beast System Revelation 17:3-5, 16-17And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names… And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious...

Pioneers, O Pioneers

Joseph Herrin (05-05-09) I have been blessed to see many sights along the path of this cross country trek the Lord has sent me forth upon. While I was in Wyoming I began to hear of a historic site that drew my attention, and I hoped I would get to see it. Independence Rock was so named by William...

How To Prepare For a Day of Disorder?

February 10, 2009 In a recent radio interview that I provided a link unto, one of the men speaking suggested that Christians do what they can to prepare, but he added that the Lord had shown him that whatever Christians do, it will be woefully inadequate. I doubt there is one family out of a...

Understanding Faith and Healing

Guided by What? Much of the error in understanding faith today comes from the church having departed from a Spirit-led life. Today the church knows very little of being led of the Spirit in all things. The church is predominantly led by their own souls, though they will at times search the...

Despising the Shame

Joseph Herrin (10-31-09) Hebrews 12:2-3Looking unto Yahshua, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners...

As Sparks Fly Upward

Joseph Herrin (11-07-09) Job 5:7For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward. My Campfire on Jekyll Island(Click on image for larger picture) The Internet is filled with somber declarations of impending judgment on America and the nations. New watch dates are forecast almost daily, and many...

Saviors On Mount Zion – Reconciling the Creation Part 2

Saviors on Mount Zion - Reconciling the Creation - Part 2Joseph Herrin (11-14-09) More Meat - Get out your fork and a sharp knife Note: If you have not read part one of this writing, I encourage you to do so before continuing. Hebrews 7:25[Yahshua] is able to save forever those who draw near to...

Saviors on Mount Zion – Reconciling the Creation

Joseph Herrin (11-10-09) Obadiah 21Then saviors shall come to Mount Zion… and the kingdom shall be Yahweh’s. Romans 8:19For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. Roast Lamb The word of revelation being shared here is meat for the mature. It will...

Why the Bible Does NOT Condemn Slavery

Joseph Herrin (04-19-2010) The following was written in response to a man in jail who has been writing to me to express sincere objections he has to the Bible and Christianity. He asked why Christ and the Bible did not condemn slavery, for he views it as a great evil. The answer leads one back to...

State of the Union – The Quiet Coup

State of the Union – The Quiet Coup

Joseph Herrin (05-01-2010) On the date of January 18, 2008 the movie Cloverfield was released. It utilized movie posters depicting the Statue of Liberty having been decapitated and New York City in flames. There are marks across the body of Liberty as if some monstrous beast had ripped the head...

The Rat Race of the Religious System

Joseph Herrin (07-26-2010) "Christianity started out in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise." -Sam Pascoe What I would share with you...

Ring of Fire

Joseph Herrin (03-14-2011) The Ring of Fire describes a geographic area where 75% of the earth’s volcanoes, and 90% of the earths earthquakes occur. The earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand which occurred on February 22, 2011, and the massive 9.0 magnitude quake that occurred in Japan on March...

A Dream Worthy of Suffering

Joseph Herrin (04-11-2011) Joseph’s DreamsOne element that I see consistently in Yahweh’s work among man is that He always gives a man a dream before calling him to suffer. The dream comes first. Then experiences enter the man’s life to qualify him to attain to the vision and promotion the Father...

When Sheep Fight Back

Joseph Herrin (05-09-2011) Artwork by Douglas Alves FerreiraSeveral people have written to me asking about various Scriptures that could be viewed as supporting a Christian’s right to defend themselves against those who attack them. The two main examples they have given are Stephen when he gave a...

The Dragon and the Time of Indignation

Joseph Herrin (05-28-2012) Isaiah 26:20-27:1Come, my people, enter into your rooms and close your doors behind you; Hide for a little while until indignation runs its course. For behold, Yahweh is about to come out from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; And the...

Internment Coming

Joseph Herrin (05-29-2012) Stockade Doors at Andersonville Civil War Prison Nearly three years ago I wrote an article entitled “Internment Coming.” Little did I know that in the two years following the post I would be brought before the courts and imprisoned on two separate occasions. In 1999...

A Contrast of Kingdoms – The Tower Builders

Joseph Herrin (07-12-2012) In recent posts I have written about the One World Trade Center building in New York City, and The Shard in London. As I wrote of these two buildings, the tallest on two continents, I began to consider what these towers represent. I am not referring to the individual...


Wednesday we had a storm come through. It was really windy. It blew the door open on my bus five times. It also blew a huge tree over in the yard next to George's house. When the tree fell over it broke a gas line and it also tore down the power cable to George's house. Because my bus is on...

London Calling – Legions Arise – Thorns of Vengeance

Joseph Herrin (08-14-2012) Warning: This blog post contains dark material from Satan’s kingdom. It will be disturbing to some readers. (It is disturbing to me.) We live in a very evil hour, and things are swiftly growing darker. This information is not presented to titillate, nor for...

A Holocaust of Children

Note: This 11 year old article is a telltale sign of what is going on today. Abortion is still a horrible tragedy. So is the small number of children being birthed into Christian homes. Few are the people now who will trust the Lord to give them children when they are called to. So many rely on...


Note: I am extremely disturbed by the darkness that is falling across the earth at this time. The transexualization of the Western world with its emphasis on children. Gotesqus is the darkness that is popping up all over. I would like to share a blog post from 11 years ago that spoke of an hour...

The Orderly Procession of the Spirit and the Gift of Tongues

Note The gift of tongues is a special and transforming gift of God. How and when it was given was laid out specifically in the book of Acts. Many Christians not perceiving the reason that the book of Acts was given have attached a number of bizarre occurrences to the gift of the Spirit. This...

Tipping Point

Note This article was written ten years ago. The time is now far later than when it was written. Please read it and pay attention to the lateness of the days. Joseph Herrin (07-23-2013) Occasionally, airline crews realize they have a problem while in flight and they instruct the passengers to...


Note: This article was written ten years ago. With the modern headlines on the WOKE movement, Bud Light, the Barbie movies radical feminism, laws regarding transitioning children as young as six or seven to sexes that are different from that to which they were born, and a myriad of abominations of...

Interracial Relationships – Right or Wrong?

Joseph Herrin (03-13-2014) Recently I have had several people write to me on the subject of interracial relationships. This is a subject I have encountered repeatedly throughout my years of ministry. Not having a published teaching on the subject, I have found myself having to construct a response...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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