God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 3

God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 3

The Cycle of Creation The wise king Solomon began his great book of wisdom by speaking of the circularity of creation. Ecclesiastes 1:5-7 The sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again. Blowing toward the south, then turning toward the north, the wind continues...

God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 2

God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 2

Then Comes the End It may seem odd to begin a book with a chapter that focuses on the end, but there is a good purpose in doing so. When Yahweh set forth to form the creation He had the end and culmination of all His works in mind. He had determined from the beginning of the creation what the...

God’s Plan of the Ages

God’s Plan of the Ages

Joseph Herrin (07-10-2018) I am going to repost this book for it was written in 2002, and re-written in 2011. Nothing changed in the context of the two versions of the book by this name. I had merely come up with many new ways to present the arguments in the ten years since it was first written....

New Identity

New Identity

Joseph Herrin (07-06-2018) My daughter Kristin has gotten her new album done 2 weeks before she is to go to Poland. Kristin, Nicole, and MaryAnn worked with George on the album at Fountain of Praise studio for almost 3 months. George was the producer and engineer, and he worked closely with the...

666 – Bilderberg

666 – Bilderberg

Joseph Herrin (07-01-2018) Bilderberg. The Bilderberg meetings have been held for quite a few years now. They were started by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, supposedly as a way to promote Atlanticism, a way to foster understanding and cooperation between Europe and the United States. The...

Expatriates – Part Seven

Expatriates – Part Seven

A Family Following in Christ’s Footsteps (Conclusion) Joseph Herrin (07-01-2013) The Exit Part Two The story of our trip back doesn't end there. We landed at our connecting airport in the states and needed to take another flight to get to our final destination. Like the first leg, this would be...

Expatriates  – Part Six

Expatriates – Part Six

A Family Following in Christ’s Footsteps Joseph Herrin (06-30-2013) Some weeks back it was my privilege to receive a visit from a young family who exemplifies the life of the sojourner upon the earth. Tom and Rachel, along with their young daughter Sela, were returning home to the upper midwest...

Expatriates – Part Five

Expatriates – Part Five

An Attitude of Gratitude Joseph Herrin (05-30-2013) Expatriate: • to banish (a person) from his or her native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from residence in one's native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from allegiance to one's country. [Source:...

Expatriates – Part Four

Expatriates – Part Four

You Can’t Take it with You!  Joseph Herrin (05-25-2013) Expatriate: • to banish (a person) from his or her native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from residence in one's native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from allegiance to one's country. [Source:...

Expatriates – Part Three

Expatriates – Part Three

Where You Lead, I Will Follow Joseph Herrin (05-21-2013) Expatriate: • to banish (a person) from his or her native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from residence in one's native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from allegiance to one's country. [Source:...

Expatriates – Part Two

Expatriates – Part Two

Family Matters Joseph Herrin (05-15-2013) Expatriate: • to banish (a person) from his or her native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from residence in one's native country. • to withdraw (oneself) from allegiance to one's country. [Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/expatriate] Genesis...

Expatriates – Part One

Expatriates – Part One

I was reading over some past parables and I came across this one called Expatriates. It brought to mind my daughter Kristin who is at thirty years old going out to a foreign land to bear the testimony of Christ. As Kristin leaves in 5 weeks to go to Poland she will follow the pattern of a very...



Joseph Herrin (06-06-2018) Champ (June, 2018) There is Champ, basking in the sun of a mid-day this month. Champ is a good boy. He is six years old now. If you are wondering what the building is behind my canopy, there are three of the buildings side by side. They are all vacant, and quite old. I...

A Prophetic Word

Joseph Herrin (06-03-2018) A few days ago I heard a recommendation for a prophetic word. The brother who made this recommendation could not make any further recommendations than this word, for he had not heard this woman before. I went out and listened to it and I was greatly challenged by it. I...

Sabbath – Part Twelve

Sabbath – Part Twelve

Epilogue The Usage of Divine Names Since I was a youth I have often wondered why the most common English translations of the scriptures have chosen to not represent the names of the Father and the Son as they originally occurred in the Hebrew and Greek, but instead they replaced the names of deity...

Sabbath – Part Eleven

Sabbath – Part Eleven

Entering In I consider it a landmark day to be writing this final chapter to the book “SABBATH”on this 12th of August, 2003. The book has been posted and made available to readers since September, 2001, but I realized even then that the book was not finished. Like Moses who was allowed to see the...

Sabbath – Part Ten

Sabbath – Part Ten

Yahshua, the Tree of Life There is a tree that grows in barren and wilderness places. It is found in the western United States and it bears the name “The Joshua Tree.” Knowing that Joshua is the anglicization of the Hebrew name Yahshua, it should be no surprise to learn that this tree fits the...

Sabbath – Part Nine

Sabbath – Part Nine

Resting in Ministry It is a great paradox that most of those who function as ministers today are by their very example demonstrating what the Father despises. Many of these ministers have a sincere desire to labor in service to Yahweh, yet they have failed to distinguish what type of service is...

Sabbath – Part Eight

Sabbath – Part Eight

The Prodigal Returns There are no words that more accurately encapsulate the true meaning of Sabbath rest than the words of the Messiah, “yet not My will, but Thine be done.” Luke 22:41-42 And [Yahshua] withdrew from [Peter, James, and John] about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and began to...

Sabbath – Part Seven

Sabbath – Part Seven

The Message of the Manna The apostle Paul speaks much about the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for forty years. They are given as an example for the church, and their failings are also mentioned as potential pitfalls for the saints today. Those whom Moses led out of Egypt struggled with...

Sabbath – Part Six

Sabbath – Part Six

Paul Defines Man’s Struggle Ever since Adam first sinned in the Garden of Eden, mankind has known striving and it has been with great difficulty that he has sought to enter into the Sabbath rest of Yahweh. A great war has raged as the Spirit has made known unto man the mind of Yahweh, yet man’s...

Sabbath – Part Five

Sabbath – Part Five

Headcovering, a Sign to the Angels Knowing that the first Sabbath violation occurred in heaven among the angels, we should not be surprised to find there are more scriptural passages that relate to this original sin among them. One of the most enlightening and least understood scriptures is found...

Sabbath – Part Four

Sabbath – Part Four

Lucifer, the First Sabbath Breaker We can gain yet more insight into this matter of Sabbath rest by looking at the scripture account of the first violation of Sabbath. As the book of Genesis opens, the first violation of Sabbath has already occurred, and the judgment of Yahweh has fallen upon the...

Sabbath – Part Three – The Tree of Strife

Sabbath – Part Three – The Tree of Strife

Having read the previous chapter, you should be starting to get a glimpse of how truly foundational is this issue of the Sabbath. It is tragic that such deception and darkness has overtaken the body of Christ until the meaning of Sabbath has been reduced to a set of doctrines regarding the...

Sabbath – Part Two

Sabbath – Part Two

The word Sabbath in both its Hebrew and Greek forms means to repose, to rest, to cease from exertion. It speaks of coming into a state of restfulness where Yahweh’s creation is not striving in any manner, but all is in complete harmony with the Creator. Today mankind frequently associates the term...

Sabbath – Part One

Sabbath – Part One

Foreword A word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find the writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...

The Missionary

The Missionary

Kristin Now that I am through posting the book Evidence of Things Unseen I can tell you about some of the good news that is going on here. I had some exciting news a couple months back. The good news involves my daughter. First let me tell you about my daughter. Kristin was born 30 years ago and...

Second Addendum – The Garment of Humility  (December 2011)

Second Addendum – The Garment of Humility (December 2011)

I had suspected for years that Yahweh might one day require me to experience imprisonment even as that other Joseph, the son of Jacob, did many years ago. God’s ways of perfecting His sons have not changed. A man must pass through many humiliating, sorrowful, and distressing circumstances in order...

Addendum: A Testimony of a Dying Son  (July 2008)

Addendum: A Testimony of a Dying Son (July 2008)

This addendum continues the history that leaves off in the last chapter of the book. It is offered for those who have written to ask me what has occurred in our lives since the book was completed. The trials have continued, and so has the grace of God and His supernatural intervention. He has not...

A People for His Praise

A People for His Praise

When we moved to our new home in Byron our family had been battling sickness for a few weeks. Some condition similar to bronchitis had been passed around from one member to another, and I had come down with it about a week before our move. Tony also was afflicted with it at this time. I did not...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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