The Father continues to pour forth His grace in many ways. I want to share with you some history on the Heart4God website, and testify to the Father's great grace in this work.In 1999 the Father directed me to begin an Internet ministry. It was at that time that I created the Heart4God website and...
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A Fruitful Time
Joseph Herrin (07-03-2010)Fruit Growing at Lemon Cove CampgroundThe Father continues to open doors and guide me along the path appointed. I have many stories to tell of His intervention along the way. Parables are being witnessed in a myriad of events and details, and the hand of Yahweh has been...
Parable of Sequoia National Park
Joseph Herrin (07-02-2010)Me, Standing Next to a Giant Sequoia(Note: click on any picture to view larger photo)The Father has continued to order my steps in very remarkable ways. It was placed upon my heart to visit a few natural wonders while I crossed America at this season. A few weeks ago I...
Scripture Views on the News
Joseph Herrin (07-01-2010)Wars and Rumors of WarsMatthew 24:6-8“And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various...
The Parable of the Gulf Oil Spill
Joseph Herrin (06-09-2010)As I arrived at Matthew Washington’s home for the first night of meetings in the Houston area he commented to me that he felt that I would surely say something about the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I told Matthew that I had prepared a presentation just that...
The Worship God Will Not Despise
Joseph Herrin (06-08-2010)First the Announcements:Audio Page Has Been Updated:Some had reported problems listening to, or downloading, the audio files from the recent meetings that have been posted. Ifeanyi Isitor has kindly labored to get these audios posted where all can listen to them. If you...
On the Road with the Holy Spirit – Part Four
Joseph Herrin (06-03-2010)Important Note: The Hemphill, Texas meetings begin Friday night (June 4th) and run through Sunday morning. My next stop is Fort Worth, Texas. Roger Norman will be hosting meetings June 10-12 at his home. Please contact Roger for directions, or to let him know you are...
Crossing the Stormy Sea
Joseph Herrin (05-29-2010)Luke 8:22-23Now it came about on one of those days, that He and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, "Let us go over to the other side of the lake." And they launched out. But as they were sailing along He fell asleep; and a fierce gale of wind descended...
Pay Attention!
Joseph Herrin (05-24-2010)Isaiah 42:19-20Who is blind but My servant, or so deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is so blind as he that is at peace with Me, or so blind as the servant of Yahweh? You have seen many things, but you do not observe them; Your ears are open, but none hears.Recently a...
Audio Files Now Available
The audio files from the North Georgia meeting have now been posted. You can find them listed under the heading "If You Would Be Perfect." are seven parts to this teaching series. The Spirit was guiding profoundly in these messages, and they contain an...
On the Road with the Holy Spirit – Part Three
Joseph Herrin (05-20-20)Joseph Herrin in Herrin, Illinois(Click on image for larger picture)Before I share some of the events of this recent trip, here is an update on the schedule of upcoming meetings.Location:Columbia, Missouri(8502 South Trails Drive - Right off I-70)Dates:May 21-23Meeting...
The Fellowship of His Sufferings
Joseph Herrin (05-17-2010)On Friday May 14th Randy Simmons and I struck out on the path the Father has appointed to us. Our immediate destination was Fayetteville, TN where I was to speak that night at 7 P.M.. The picture below is of our two vans at our starting point of Macon, Georgia.Just before...
Will There Be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
Joseph Herrin (05-13-2010) For those waiting to listen to the audio messages from the first series of meetings in North Georgia, I received the audio files this week. I have edited and forwarded them to a brother in Christ who manages the Heart4God website for me (Thank you Ifeanyi!). As soon as...
On the Road with the Holy Spirit – Part 2
Joseph Herrin (05-07-2010) One of the most blessed aspects of a surrendered life is experiencing the many evidences of the Father’s presence, guidance, and provision in daily events. Many Christians rarely experience the evidence of the Father’s leading, for they live lives of great independence....
On the Road with the Holy Spirit
Joseph Herrin (05-05-2010) My Xplorer Van Note: Details of my next meetings are posted at the end of this blog. Acts 13:2-4 And while they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Then, when they...
State of the Union – The Quiet Coup
Joseph Herrin (05-01-2010) On the date of January 18, 2008 the movie Cloverfield was released. It utilized movie posters depicting the Statue of Liberty having been decapitated and New York City in flames. There are marks across the body of Liberty as if some monstrous beast had ripped the head...
Report of Meeting in Helen, Georgia
Joseph Herrin (04-27-2010) Kevin O’Connell and his wife Julie Sanders were the gracious hosts of a series of meetings this past weekend in North Georgia. The Spirit of Christ truly answered the prayers of the many saints who had faithfully lifted up these meetings to the Father. That the Holy...
My Thanks
Joseph Herrin (04-22-2010) The responses to yesterday’s post have been overwhelming. I am truly encouraged to see what a wonderfully supportive and compassionate remnant that the Father has reserved unto Himself. I thank all of you for your affirmations and encouragement. I especially thank you...
Feed My Sheep
Joseph Herrin (04-21-2010) Often during my walk of the past eleven years as I have followed the Father there have been seasons of heightened spiritual attacks. There is a very real warfare to be waged. As Christians we not only are called to rule over the enemies within our own flesh, but we have...
The Road to Hell is Paved with…
They say there is a paradise at the end of this road. Many are the travelers along this way. Surely so many could not be wrong. Millions of Christians have made this genre of books bestsellers. If only a few find the path to life... If it is an afflicted path... If Christ's disciples must not love...
Why Does the Bible NOT Condemn Slavery?
Joseph Herrin (04-19-2010) The following was written in response to a man in jail who has been writing to me to express sincere objections he has to the Bible and Christianity. He asked why Christ and the Bible did not condemn slavery, for he views it as a great evil. The answer leads one back to...
Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part Six
Joseph Herrin (04-13-2010) An Absence of Applause The church calls Christ “Lord.” It is perhaps the most common appellation used in reference to both the Son and the Father. The church speaks of the cross, albeit usually in reference to the one that Yahshua bore. The church speaks the word “Faith”...
Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part Five
Joseph Herrin (04-12-2010) Counting the Cost of Your Journey Surviving an arduous wilderness journey is made possible by doing the preliminary prep work. The value of careful planning cannot be overestimated. Some things must be done BEFORE one enters the wilderness. What adventurer would set...
Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part Four
Joseph Herrin (04-09-2010) Expectations I have learned much from my own wilderness walk. I desire to share these things that I might lessen some of the agony that comes to people when they do not understand what is happening to them. Oftentimes perplexity can lead people to despair for they may...
The Emerging Church
Joseph Herrin (04-07-2010) Butterflies Emerging - Callaway Gardens [Click on Image for Larger Picture] I believe it was the Spirit of Christ that placed in my heart a desire to return to camping in Pine Mountain, Georgia for a couple weeks. I arrived here Sunday, April 4th. Pine Mountain is where...
Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part Three
Joseph Herrin (04-06-2010) Wilderness Entry Point If you were about to enter into a wilderness experience that a vast number of people had attempted before, an experience in which only a remnant survived, would you not want to study the lives of those who perished, and those who survived, that you...
Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part Two
Joseph Herrin (04-02-2010) Though None Go With Me, Still I Will Follow The first post in this series spoke of the necessity of lightening one’s load to begin a journey into the wilderness. Knowing what to take, and what to leave behind is a critical matter. It is also necessary that those going...
Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 1
Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 1 Joseph Herrin (04-01-2010) There stands between you and Yahweh’s intended destination for you a journey that must be experienced. The path to your inheritance in Christ leads through a wilderness. Although this wilderness may include time spent in a...
Liberty Post Mortem (After Death)
Joseph Herrin (03-26-2010) Liberty’s Appointment with Anubis We live in truly historic times. Those who live in the United States are witnessing the end of a nation whose founding fathers promised “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The great experiment to see whether a free people could...
Joseph Herrin (03-24-2010) I had stated in a comment on a recent blog posting that I was not aware of any significance to the date of March 23, which is the day President Obama signed the healthcare reform legislation into law. Several people wrote to share with me that March 23 is the anniversary...
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If you value the labor of love that goes into this ministry and want to show your appreciation for the spiritual food that has been ministered to you through this website please consider showing your love and support.