Chapter 5 - Guided by the Spirit of ChristHaving laid a firm foundation upon faith in the Son of God, we are now able to build upward from the foundation. Faith is ever required of us as we progress further on with God and embrace a victorious life of overcoming sin. God has done much more for us...
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Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 4
Chapter 4 - Faith to BelieveThe foundation stones we have laid so far can be summed up in the following way: · All mankind is born under the slavery of sin. · Sin has caused a separation between God and man, and has brought death. · The Son of God came to repair the breach and bear upon Himself...
Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 3
Chapter 3 - Christ Repairs the BreachThe first two chapters of this book could be summed up in the statement, “All mankind is born under the dominion of sin, and this sin has caused a separation between man and God.”It is my hope that you might understand and acknowledge these first two...
Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 2
Chapter 2 - Separated by SinI have met a large number of men in recent years through my association with a rescue mission who have been struggling with addiction. It has been my experience that the majority of them have little problem confessing that they have a problem with evil desires that...
Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 1
ForewordA word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find the writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...
Hell’s Pharmacy – Part 3
Joseph Herrin (09-11-09)I want to call your attention to an absurdity of staggering dimensions. I want to draw your focus to a startling abnormality. There is something so out of skew, so overemphasized and prevalent in American society today (and in all other nations who conform to the same...
Hell’s Pharmacy – Part 2
I thank you for the witness that articles on this Google blog site are being monitored and are not allowing people to forward them to others. I will be changing blog sites soon. I am also hearing that messages posted to Facebook and YouTube that are along the lines of the messages posted to this...
Hell’s Pharmacy – Part 1
(09-22-2020) Introduction: This writing, written 11 years ago, is telling about the Coronavirus-19 vaccination, and others yet to come. The Coronavirus-19 vaccine is largely created with the cells of an aborted baby. The utter horror of this antivirus will be seen in coming days. As a warning of...
Forced Vaccinations Will Be Mandated For Covid-19?
(09-20-2020)I have continued to hear about vaccinations which are soon to be offered for Covid-19. I believe at this time it is necessary to be reminded of the previous attempts of the government to get people vaccinated, even when the illness being targeted was man-made. The serious injuries...
Fake Science
Joseph Herrin (07-26-2017)The sources of natural science are not as they have been billed, particularly when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs. A May 5th copy of the Washington Examiner ran a piece on the Big Pharma’s lies and falsehoods. By paying for ad space within the periodicals such as New...
Joseph Herrin (10-24-2012) II Timothy 2:5 If anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he...
Push Back! – Addendum
Addendum There are many questions and related issues that come to mind as people consider the Biblical view of homosexuality. Some of these questions are raised with a sincere desire to understand the truth. There are also many insincere questions/objections raised in opposition to the Biblical...
Push Back! – Part 17
Chapter 17Jude 22-23And refute so as to convict some who dispute with you, and on some have mercy who waver and doubt. Strive to save others, snatching them out of the fire; on others take pity but with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their...
Push Back! – Part 16
Chapter 16Anarchy PosterThe promotion of homosexuality plays an important role in Satan’s agenda to establish a tyrannical one-world government over all the earth. It is well to ever keep in mind that Satan is a deceiver who deceives the WHOLE world (Revelation 12:9). There are legions of men and...
Push Back! – Part 15
Chapter 15What are the spiritual roots of homosexuality, and how is homosexuality mirrored in the spiritual life of the church? These are important questions to consider, for to return to a condition that God can bless, men and women must recognize how they got so far afield of the will of...
Push Back! – Part 14
Chapter 14I began this series having discerned homosexuality to be an issue that Yahweh would have me to address with His people. The e-mail responses I have received thus far have revealed that this series has been timely, insightful, and challenging to many who read these posts. One of the...
Push Back! – Part 13
The previous post that spoke of the church’s avoidance of pain, relating it to the subject of childbirth where so many women today are encouraged by obstetricians to use spinal blocks, pain medications, and even to give birth by caesarean section, struck a chord with many female readers of the...
Push Back! – Part 12
Macklemore and Ryan LewisEvery day there is a new onslaught of propaganda by the advocates of homosexual behavior. This morning the news headlines were hyping the performance of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis at the Video Music Awards that were broadcast last night to tens of millions of viewers. The...
Push Back! – Part 11
The Gender Book - Common MisconceptionsI Corinthians 14:33For God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.In this post I want to focus on another aspect of homosexuality that is a departure from the divine nature. Yahweh is a God of order. He is not the author...
Push Back! – Part 10
I have examined one aspect of homosexuality that is antithetical to the character and nature of God. It is sterile, devoid of life, and a spreader of death to mankind. It has been observed that Yahweh’s plan for man is that humanity might be conformed to His own image and likeness. Yahweh is a...
Push Back! – Part 9
Aids Quilt - Each Panel Represents a Person Who Died of AIDS Related Illness(Click on any image to view larger.)I want to turn in this study now to an examination of the reasons WHY homosexual behavior is contrary to the very essence of Yahweh’s nature and the principles of His kingdom. Many...
Push Back! – Part 8
Chapter 8Colossians 2:8See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.One of the errors I perceive in many Christians’ approach to the subject of...
Push Back! – Part 7
Chapter 7 II Timothy 4:3-4For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.The Myth of...
Push Back! – Part 6
Chapter 6One aspect of the global push for homosexual normalization in which the truth is largely unknown is that the campaign to champion “gay-rights” is NOT a grass-roots movement. It is often difficult to bring Christians to the realization that the media in America, and across the world, is...
Push Back! – Part 5
Chapter 5Satan’s tactics have not changed since he first appeared to mankind as the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Yahweh had informed man of His will.Genesis 2:16-17And Yahweh God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge...
Push Back! – Part 4
Chapter 4 Gay, Proud, & Christian? The apostle Paul wrote: II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. There are seducers among the churches today. Their apostate teachings are growing worse and worse. A generation ago there were men and...
Push Back! – Part 3
Chapter 3 There can be no shift in the morals of a society without first redefining right and wrong. From the time the first pilgrims landed on America’s shores, until the recent generation, homosexuality has been viewed by society as deviant, and destructive, sexual behavior. The founding...
Push Back! – Part 2
I am going to begin today’s blog post with a video recently released by the United Nations. This two minute video was created to coincide with a worldwide campaign to promote the acceptance and normalization of homosexual behavior. The video is titled The Riddle and is part of a campaign that is...
Push Back! – Part 1
I have contemplated for some time writing a series to address the subject of the militant homosexual advocacy of the American government and the media. Seldom has there been more effort expended, and more attention given, to a cause. Tragically, the cause that America’s President is championing is...
My Daughter’s Visit
My daughter is on her way back to Poland for another year. Her visit this year was very good. It was all the better because I heard from her what was really on her mind. She told me she was wanting to go back early because of a youth outing that was being held by her church. She has been getting...
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