Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 6

Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 6

Joseph Herrin (04-13-2010)An Absence of ApplauseThe church calls Christ “Lord.” It is perhaps the most common appellation used in reference to both the Son and the Father. The church speaks of the cross, albeit usually in reference to the one that Yahshua bore. The church speaks the word “Faith”...

Wilderness Survival For Christians – Part Five

Wilderness Survival For Christians – Part Five

Joseph Herrin (04-12-2010)Counting the Cost of Your JourneySurviving an arduous wilderness journey is made possible by doing the preliminary prep work. The value of careful planning cannot be overestimated. Some things must be done BEFORE one enters the wilderness. What adventurer would set forth...



Hello Brothers and Sisters,I’ve got my new teeth. I apologize if my smile seems odd. The stroke I had five years ago makes it difficult to smile. I can tell you that my teeth are fine. They really are a WHOLE lot better than they were before. If I took this picture before my appointment you would...

Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 4

Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 4

Joseph Herrin (04-09-2010)ExpectationsI have learned much from my own wilderness walk. I desire to share these things that I might lessen some of the agony that comes to people when they do not understand what is happening to them. Oftentimes perplexity can lead people to despair for they may...

Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 3

Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 3

Joseph Herrin (04-06-2010)Wilderness Entry PointIf you were about to enter into a wilderness experience that a vast number of people had attempted before, an experience in which only a remnant survived, would you not want to study the lives of those who perished, and those who survived, that you...

Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 2

Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 2

Joseph Herrin (04-02-2010)Though None Go With Me, Still I Will FollowThe first post in this series spoke of the necessity of lightening one’s load to begin a journey into the wilderness. Knowing what to take, and what to leave behind is a critical matter. It is also necessary that those going into...

Wilderness Survival For Christians – Part 1

Wilderness Survival For Christians – Part 1

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 1Joseph Herrin (04-01-2010)Note: This multi-piece article was written eleven years ago. It is as true today, even more so, than it was when first written. May you be blessed and instructed as you read it.There stands between you and Yahweh’s intended...

Why Does the Bible NOT Condemn Slavery?

Joseph Herrin (04-19-2010)The following was written in response to a man in jail who has been writing to me to express sincere objections he has to the Bible and Christianity. He asked why Christ and the Bible did not condemn slavery, for he views it as a great evil. The answer leads one back to...

When Sheep Fight Back

When Sheep Fight Back

Joseph Herrin (05-09-2011)Artwork by Douglas Alves FerreiraSeveral people have written to me asking about various Scriptures that could be viewed as supporting a Christian’s right to defend themselves against those who attack them. The two main examples they have given are Stephen when he gave a...

Waiting, the Ultimate Test!

Waiting, the Ultimate Test!

Joseph Herrin (6-5-2000)Note: This article is 21 years old. The answer I was waiting on has come. Yahweh has proven Himself to me time after time. My relatives and most Christians still think I am crazy to trust in God. But here I stand, after all this time, trusting Yahweh and Yahshua for all...

Q&A: What are the Dangers of Christian Discussion Forums?

Q&A: What are the Dangers of Christian Discussion Forums?

Dear C.,I would like to share something with you for your prayer and consideration before the Father. I know the desire of your heart is to be found pleasing to the Father, and you have demonstrated a patient attitude in examining various issues. I would like to invite you to do so with what I am...

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta

Joseph Herrin (05/05/2021)Back around 50 years ago I learned that I had Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or Brittle Bone disease. I had a mild case of it, but it still affected my life. I broke my first bone at age 7. It was my thumb. I had got it caught in a T.V. tray that was used as a sewing machine...

Under the Microscope – Examining All Things Carefully – Part 7

Under the Microscope – Examining All Things Carefully – Part 7

Joseph Herrin (09-26-2011)Comet EleninThis present post comprises part 7 of this series. I had intended to write about Comet Elenin months ago, but many more matters and experiences came into my life, and I was not able to bring to completion that which was on my heart to set forth in writing....

Under the Microscope – Examining All Things Carefully

Under the Microscope – Examining All Things Carefully

Joseph Herrin (04-18-2011)I Thessalonians 5:19-21Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.II Timothy 3:13But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.We live in an hour...

Tithing – Is it to be Practiced Today?

Tithing – Is it to be Practiced Today?

Joseph Herrin (11-3-01)A brother recently sent me the following post:Mr. Herrin, I have been studying with your writings for some time and would like to know your position on the tithe. The church where we attend says one thing while others say another totally opposite. I have looked up all...

They Will Make Merchandise of You…

They Will Make Merchandise of You…

Joseph Herrin (4-22-07)In recent communications with professing believers I have reflected upon the problem of near-sighted reasoning. Oftentimes, due to long practice and familiarity, the saints embrace errors that are clearly shown to be what they are when they are viewed from a larger and more...

The Spirit OR the Word?

The Spirit OR the Word?

Joseph Herrin (10-24-2000)God has purposed that all things should be established by two or more witnesses and the two most pronounced witnesses He has given to the church are the Spirit and the Word. Unfortunately, much of the church has polarized around one or the other of these witnesses and...

The Significance of the Beard

The Significance of the Beard

Joseph Herrin (7-19-2000)Some may wonder why I would take the time to write about the beard. After all, isn’t wearing a beard, or not wearing one, just a matter of personal choice concerning grooming and appearance? This is the mindset of the Western world that many Christians find themselves in....

The Rat Race of the Religious System

The Rat Race of the Religious System

Joseph Herrin (07-26-2010)"Christianity started out in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise." -Sam PascoeWhat I would share with you...

The Peril of Self-Pity

The Peril of Self-Pity

Joseph Herrin (7-2-2001)For some time it seems the Father has not spoken to me a direct word, but yesterday I heard Him speak by His Spirit and what He revealed seemed to me to be a very serious matter with Him, and I feel led to share it.I had lain down for a nap yesterday evening with several...

The Orderly Procession of the Spirit and the Gift of Tongues

The Orderly Procession of the Spirit and the Gift of Tongues

Joseph Herrin (07-04-2013)The Day of PentecostI deemed it expedient to post a second writing on the Holy Spirit, and tongues as a sign, after receiving numerous e-mails on the preceding post. When writing on a particular topic I often discover many of the arguments that cause people to stumble at...

The Myth of an Inerrant Text

The Myth of an Inerrant Text

Biblical inerrancy means different things to different people. To some it means that the Scriptures as originally written by men inspired of the Holy Spirit were a perfect representation of the words of God. For some, though not all people, Biblical inerrancy also means that the Bible in its...

The Mazzaroth

The Mazzaroth

Joseph Herrin(03-26-2021)In order to interpret a heavenly sign, each element must be understood according to its divine meaning. From ancient times the stars and planets have been named, and the heavens divided into an orderly arrangement following the path of the sun in the heavens (the...

The Luciferian Foundation of America

The Luciferian Foundation of America

Joseph HerrinI know the title of this writing will upset many, but the illusion of America being a Christian nation needs to be cast down in this hour that a righteous remnant might come forth in devotion to Christ who purchased them from OUT OF every tribe and tongue and nation. There are at...

The Issue of Judging

The Issue of Judging

Joseph Herrin (6-20-2000) The issue of judging, exercising discernment about the appropriateness of the behavior of a brother or sister and offering correction or warning, is a much misunderstood topic. The Bible contains both clear admonitions to judge, as well as warnings against judging. On the...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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