How to Prepare for Calamitous Days

Joseph Herrin (06-26-09)I have received correspondence from a number of individuals who lack the resources to make such preparations for coming days as I have described in a previous post. There are also those who find themselves yoked to a spouse who does not have the same understanding of the...

Preparing the Ark

Preparing the Ark

Joseph Herrin (06-24-09) Some people have asked me to keep them updated on the physical aspects of the preparations the Father has been leading me to attend to. I would not argue against any who would suggest that spiritual preparation is more important than physical. Yet, if we simply obey the...

Some words

Following are a few things sent to me recently. The first is a quote from Austin Sparks from 40-50 years ago. [Begin Quote] Perhaps one of the things which you and I and the Lord’s people everywhere need to recognise more than anything else at an end time is the fact of our heavenliness. There is...

To the Angel of the Mormon Church…

To the Angel of the Mormon Church…

Joseph Herrin (06-18-09) Angel Moroni atop a Mormon Temple A recent new article reported the following: New Mormon temple's angel struck by lightning Associated Press - June 15, 2009 6:44 PM ET SOUTH JORDAN, Utah (AP) - Mother Nature left her mark on a new Mormon temple over the weekend when a...

Preparing to Poison the Populace

Preparing to Poison the Populace

Joseph Herrin (06-17-09) The Swine Flu (Flew) It is not difficult to identify trends once one has their eyes opened to look for the signs along the trail. Most fail to see the signs, for they are masterfully covered up and when they are discovered they are reinterpreted by men skilled in deceit so...

The Quest – Part Four

The Quest – Part Four

Joseph Herrin (06-14-09) As I write this the 39th General Assembly of the Organization of American States has recently concluded their meetings in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I am grateful for Randy and Kathy Furman having directed my attention to this event, and circumstances surrounding it. Much...

Fallen, Fallen – A Double Portion of Judgment

Fallen, Fallen – A Double Portion of Judgment

Joseph Herrin (06-12-09) Isaiah 21:9 Now behold, here comes a troop of riders, horsemen in pairs." And one answered and said, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the images of her gods are shattered on the ground." Revelation 14:8 And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, "Fallen, fallen...

The Quest – Part Three

Joseph Herrin (06-10-09) Pure Religion James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. In parts one and two of this series I spoke of some of the reasons for which judgment is...

The Quest – Part Two

The Quest – Part Two

Joseph Herrin (06-06-09) Barack Obama Signing Proclamation with the Left Hand Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States and by some counts he is the 6th President who wrote with his left hand. This present generation has produced as many left handed Presidents as the previous 200...

The Quest – Part One

The Quest – Part One

Joseph Herrin (06-04-09) Quest: a long or arduous task or journey This series will piece together a diverse assortment of information from recent news stories, government activities and Scriptures to provide God’s people with a better understanding of that journey which lies directly ahead of...

One Man’s Ark – Ready to Sail

One Man’s Ark – Ready to Sail

Joseph Herrin (06-02-09) Dolores M. Jackson on Maiden Voyage - May 29, 2009 In this hour when the Spirit has been directing many of His people to prepare an ark, a place of shelter in the coming storm, I found a news article that was posted recently on CNN to be full of significance for this hour....

Spelling it Out for the Church in America

Spelling it Out for the Church in America

Joseph Herrin (05-30-09) Several people notified me of a remarkable item in the news that contains a somber message for the church in America. Kavya Shivashankar, a 13 year old girl from Olathe, Kansas won the Scripps...

Stormy Seas

Stormy Seas

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I recently found out some very good news concerning the four books the Father led me to get published last year. These books are: The Remnant BrideSabbathThe Mark of the BeastOvercoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ The Lord led me to use a book publisher...

Prepare an Ark

Prepare an Ark

Joseph Herrin (05-26-09) I hesitated to share this story out of concern for not drawing undue attention to any works the Lord has directed me to do. Yet I discerned that the details of this event hold such benefit in encouraging the saints of God to be listening intently to the voice of the Lord...

How to Prepare for a Day of Disorder

The following blog is a re-print of a post from February. A sister in Christ wrote to me and said it was very encouraging to her and that all the people of God would benefit by keeping these things in mind. In recent posts I have written of the trials that are coming. There is a trail of tears for...

The Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears

Joseph Herrin (05-22-09) Philippians 1:29-30 For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, experiencing the same conflict which you saw in me, and now hear to be in me. The Spirit of Yahweh provided a theme for my recent trip across...

Be Ready for the Wilderness

Be Ready for the Wilderness

Joseph Herrin (05-20-09) The Spirit has been speaking much about leading His people forth into a wilderness experience. If you have been reading this blog very long then you will have noted many teachings that speak of that which the Spirit is testifying in this hour concerning that which is to...

New Audio Messages Now Available

Joseph Herrin (05-15-09) Many people have written to share how much they have been missing the Parables Blog being posted regularly. As most of you are aware, I have been led of the Spirit to travel across this country and to speak to Yahweh’s remnant a message for this hour. The Spirit is...

The End of Suffering

Following is a chapter from the book The Mark of the Beast. The entire book can be read online at the following link. The End of Suffering With so much attention upon the working of the disciple’s cross in the Scriptures it would seem that God is opposed to...

Pioneers, O Pioneers!

Pioneers, O Pioneers!

Joseph Herrin (05-05-09) I have been blessed to see many sights along the path of this cross country trek the Lord has sent me forth upon. While I was in Wyoming I began to hear of a historic site that drew my attention, and I hoped I would get to see it. Independence Rock was so named by William...

Texas Meetings Announcement:

Following are the details of the three meetings I currently have scheduled in the state of Texas. The first one in Hemphill was announced previously, but I am repeating the information here. Hemphill Texas - Saturday May 9th Location: Wendy Davis’ Apartment 210 Adickes Aly Apt. #32 Hemphill, TX...

Herding Swine – Part 3

Herding Swine – Part 3

Joseph Herrin (05-03-09) When I contemplated camping and catching up on some writing I had no idea the Father would have me write this series titled Herding Swine into the Arms of the Beast System. I had many other things upon my heart to write about, but I have sensed that I must first complete...

The Way

Notice of Upcoming Meeting: My next scheduled meeting is to be in Hemphill, Texas which is on the border of Louisiana. Following are the meeting details. Location: Wendy Davis’ Apartment 210 Adickes Aly Apt. #32 Hemphill, TX 75948 Date and Times: Saturday May 9th First session: 3 P.M. Spaghetti...

Herding Swine – Part 2

Herding Swine – Part 2

Joseph Herrin (05-01-09) Recent news events are revealing much about the plans of Satan to corral all mankind into the embrace of the Beast system in this last hour. A very revelatory thing occurred recently that was reported widely. Following is an excerpt from a news article on CNN. 'Furious'...

Herding Swine into the Arms of the Beast System

Herding Swine into the Arms of the Beast System

Joseph Herrin (04-29-09) The Spirit of Christ has been revealing much about those things which are coming upon the nations and upon the church. As I have been traveling across the nation the Spirit has been bring me clarity concerning certain aspects of those things which are at hand. Let me begin...

Swine Judgment

Swine Judgment

Joseph Herrin (04-27-09) Yahweh would have His people to understand the spiritual significance of the current swine flu outbreak. The Scriptures reveal that there will be an outbreak of plagues in the last days prior to the appearing of Christ (Luke 21:11, numerous references in Revelations). As...

Thorns in the Desert – Part 2

Thorns in the Desert – Part 2

Joseph Herrin (04-24-09) Pin Cushion Cacti The Father has been speaking much concerning the days ahead and what they hold for the saints of God. There is a wilderness experience appointed to Yahweh’s people. Yahweh has for varying periods of time been leading a forerunning people through a...

Thorns in the Desert – Part 1

Thorns in the Desert – Part 1

Joseph Herrin (04-23-09) The Father continues to bless me with great fellowship among the saints as I travel across the nation. For the past couple days I have been staying with Randy and Kathy Furman in the desert outside of Arizona. Randy and Kathy are true Christian pioneers. They have been...

Meetings Update

Meetings Update

Joseph Herrin (04-23-09) Picture taken near Sheridan, Wyoming near the Bighorn Mountains. Yesterday I started the day east of the Rocky Mountains where a jacket was advisable. Last night as I drove through Las Vegas a bank sign reported the temperature at 95 degrees at 8:00 P.M.. What a difference...

Road Signs – Part 4

Road Signs – Part 4

Joseph Herrin (04-16-09) There are some things the Spirit is communicating to me along this trip across the nation. I am continually reminded that the Father has not sent me out to the masses of Christendom, but to a remnant who are destined to come forth as overcomers in these last days. Some...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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