Alert #2

Alert #2

Joseph Herrin (08/31/2021) Don’t Take the Anti-Virus One of the Immoral Vaccines Have you heard of the immoral vaccines? Do you know what the immoral vaccines are? Read Hell’s Pharmacy parts 1 through 3 written by Joseph Herrin in 2009.

Alert #1

Alert #1

Joseph Herrin (08/27/2021) Well. We have done it. By we, I mean George Young and myself. We have got the new website going, and we have got the new money exchange listed at the bottom of this blog for you to use as you are lead. You can check to see if your bank has a fixture for Zelle, or you can...

The Internet Is Not Free

The Internet Is Not Free

Here are a few articles I have done on the intrusiveness of the government in the life of the World Wide Web and the Internet. Both of these programs were created by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). If the Defense Department paid for these programs don't you think they will use...

ACH Payments

ACH Payments

Joseph Herrin (08/15/2021)My last Blog spoke of needing to change away from PayPal because of their abusive, Satanic policies. I know that this is coming in a bigger way one day soon. One day we won’t be able to buy or sell without taking the Mark of the Beast.Revelation 13:16-17He causes all,...

Time to Change

Time to Change

Note: Dave Rubin is a homosexual man, not an anti-homosexual man. I have corrected this statement about him in this article.Joseph Herrin (08/07/2021)Revelation 13:16-17He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,...

Endurance – Part 2

Endurance – Part 2

EnduranceI want to share with you a second message the Father is bringing forth through the book Endurance, and through the experiences He has been bringing me through of late. The story of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his voyage with 27 other men to the South Pole is clearly a parable of this...

Endurance – Part 1

Endurance – Part 1

Joseph Herrin (10-27-08)Endurance, Stuck in the IceI believe that if we wait patiently upon the Father that we can expect Him to speak to us and make things clear. This has certainly been one of the lessons the Spirit of Christ is teaching at this time. When we act hastily we often fail to discern...

Driving Lessons

Driving Lessons

Joseph Herrin (06-13-2013)Yahweh is a great communicator. His Son is called “The Word made flesh” (John 1:14). I am constantly amazed at the variety of ways in which Yahweh chooses to communicate to His people. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the words of the Father are frequently...

Champ’s Lessons

Champ’s Lessons

Joseph Herrin (07-28-2021)Champ - TodayThis is Champ today. He is ten years old. Not to the date. I don’t know when he was born. I found him by the side of the road. He was the only one who could get out of a basket. There were seven other puppies his size, and I was told that a lady came by and...

Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

Joseph Herrin (11-20-08)Since 1999 I have had no debt. Not a penny. My lifestyle in recent years has been much more environmentally friendly than earlier days. When you have less money to spend you certainly tend to be less wasteful. I know that there are lean days coming for multitudes of people...

The Testimony of Boris Sorokovsky – Part 2

It was a drastic, terrible time in Russia from 1933 on. Many millions of people died. The Lord saved them from the great war and the second world war which took twenty million people from Russia and the Ukraine. That's a big number. Six million died in the Ukraine from starvation in 1933.Whatever...

The Testimony of Boris Sorokovsky – Part 1

First of all I'd like to greet you all with the words of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Peace be unto you all.I feel privileged that I, as a bondslave of the Lord, can share about the Lord's grace to us and His mercy as He led our people from Russia to China, from China to Australia, from...

Tipping Point

Tipping Point

Joseph Herrin (07-23-2013)Occasionally, airline crews realize they have a problem while in flight and they instruct the passengers to prepare for an emergency landing. The problem can be mechanical, such as a failure of landing gear to deploy correctly. Such an occurrence happened in September of...

Significant Experiences

Significant Experiences

Note: This post is 11 years old, and this gives it more significance for this hour. Joseph Herrin (08-16-2010)Great Horned OwlAfter sharing the recent writing titled “Locusts in the Land” with Randy Simmons, who is traveling with me across the nation, Randy was prompted to tell me about an...

Would Jesus Press the Snooze Button?

Would Jesus Press the Snooze Button?

Note: This post was written 7 years ago.Joseph Herrin (11-20-2014)I have found one benefit of having a young brother in Christ stay with me at this time is that there are many opportunities to discuss diverse subjects relating to discipleship and our daily walk in this world. Recently, Nicholas...

The Only Begotten Son

The Only Begotten Son

Note: This second chapter of the book Foundations was written 11 years after the previous blog Yahweh, His Breath, and His Word. The two tell the same story, they discuss who the Son of God is. Like a Word is subordinate to the thought that precipitated it, so too is a Son subordinate to the...

Yahweh, His Breath, and His Word

Yahweh, His Breath, and His Word

Joseph Herrin (06-18-2003)What I am going to share here has come as a Rhema word from God. I did not figure this out with my rational abilities, for in truth I have been completely stumped as I have tried to understand the Trinity. I could not conceive in my limited mind how God could be both...

With Malice and Forethought

With Malice and Forethought

Joseph Herrin (09-06-08)JP Morgan(Photographed by Edward Steichen in 1903. A trick of light was used to make the chair’s armrest appear as a dagger.)A man always has two reasons for what he does -- a good one, and the real one.JP MorganI have been making a regular petition to the Father recently...

Kristin’s Time in Georgia

Kristin’s Time in Georgia

(07-05-2021)Kristin was here the past two weeks. She has returned to Poland now, and has arrived safe and sound. I had a tremendous time with her, and so did the puppy in the picture above. I will start by telling you of her time in Poland. She has been a missionary in Poland for 3 years now and...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 11

The Way of the Disciple – Part 11

Suffering as True WorshipJoseph Herrin (10-16-2011)I can think of no better way to end this series on suffering and discipleship than to reveal the relationship between suffering and the worship of Yahweh. As with many of the church’s teachings in this hour, truth has fallen by the wayside. It is...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 10

The Way of the Disciple – Part 10

Joseph Herrin (10-15-2011)Suffering's Role in Spiritual GrowthThere is a very important, and little understood principle, to be addressed in this post. The principle can be summarized as the following:The strength of the natural man must be broken in order for a spiritual creation born of the seed...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 9

The Way of the Disciple – Part 9

Note: This post was written 10 years ago when I had just experienced a wreck on my motorcycle. I am completely healed up from the accident now.The God Who WoundsJoseph Herrin (10-06-2011)Hosea 6:1-2“Come, let us return to Yahweh. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 8

The Way of the Disciple – Part 8

The Christian Life as TragedyJoseph Herrin (10-01-2011)You are probably familiar with the genre of writing known as tragedy. Some famous examples of this form of writing are William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth. One definition for the writing form known as Tragedy is, “any...

The Way of the Disciple- Part 7

The Way of the Disciple- Part 7

The Privilege of PersecutionJoseph Herrin (09-28-2011)Luke 6:22-23“Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and cast insults at you, and spurn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man. Be glad in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven.”In...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 6

The Way of the Disciple – Part 6

We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and BloodJoseph Herrin (9-21-2011)Ephesians 6:12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood...This series has focused upon the necessity of Christ’s disciples to experience suffering. In perhaps a majority of circumstances the sufferings of Christ’s disciples come to...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 5

The Way of the Disciple – Part 5

Sharing in the Sufferings of ChristJoseph Herrin (09-19-2011)The union of Christ and His body is a great mystery. Much has been written and preached regarding the oneness of Christ and those saints who comprise His body. One aspect of our identification with Christ that has been largely neglected,...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 4

The Way of the Disciple – Part 4

Suffering SaintsJoseph Herrin (09-16-2011)Note: This post was written ten years ago. It speaks of some trials that I had at that time, but Yahweh has seen me through them. Amen.There is a great deception that Satan has foisted upon multitudes of Christians who are eager to accept it. The...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 3

The Way of the Disciple – Part 3

Why Does God Require Christians to Suffer?Joseph Herrin (09-06-2011)The inescapable message proclaimed by Christ and His apostles is that Yahweh has appointed unto men that they suffer many things in this life. This truth is affirmed through the most common image associated with Christianity; the...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 2

The Way of the Disciple – Part 2

Must a Christian be a Disciple?Joseph Herrin (09-05-2011)I believe the early apostles would be quite amazed to find that the teachings of Christ have been so altered in the centuries since the church was birthed that the terms Christian and disciple have been divorced from one...

The Way of the Disciple – Part 1

The Way of the Disciple – Part 1

Joseph Herrin (09-01-2011)Matthew 16:24Then Yahshua said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”The church today has a decidedly un-Biblical view of what Christ’s invitation is to mankind. This is revealed in the common...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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